Netanyahu vows to ban Al Jazeera news network in Israel, calls it ‘Hamas mouthpiece’

Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu
Image Source : AP Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, on Sunday, sharpened his rejection of Hamas’s demands for an end to the Gaza war in exchange for the freeing of hostages, saying that would keep the Palestinian Islamist group in power and pose a threat to Israel.

Why did Israel ban the Al Jazeera network?

Besides, Netanyahu said that the operations of Qatar-based news network Al Jazeera will be closed in the country. According to a statement from Netanyahu’s office, the decision goes into effect immediately. It could include closing the channel’s offices in Israel, confiscating broadcast equipment, preventing the broadcast of the channel’s reports and blocking its websites, among other measures, the statement said.

Israeli media said the vote allows Israel to block the channel from operating in the country for 45 days, according to the decision. “Al Jazeera reporters harmed Israel’s security and incited against soldiers,” Netanyahu said in the statement. “It’s time to remove the Hamas mouthpiece from our country.” Netanyahu said in a post on X: “The government headed by me unanimously decided: the incitement channel Al Jazeera will be closed in Israel.”

Al Jazeera reacts

The head of Al Jazeera in Israel and the Palestinian territories described an Israeli government decision on Sunday to shutter the Qatari-owned station’s local operations as “dangerous” and motivated by politics rather than professional considerations. Al Jazeera’s legal team was preparing a response, Walid Omary told Reuters, in a possible anticipation of a court appeal against the decision.

However several Al Jazeera correspondents went on air to give their understanding of how the decision would affect the channel.

An Al Jazeera correspondent on its Arabic service said the order would affect the broadcaster’s operations in Israel and in east Jerusalem, where it has been doing live shots for months since the Oct. 7 attack that sparked the war in Gaza.

It would not affect Al Jazeera’s operations in the Palestinian territories, the correspondent said. Another correspondent, on Al Jazeera’s English channel, said the order barred the channel from “holding offices or operating them” in Israel. He said the broadcaster’s websites would be blocked, though they were still accessible by Sunday afternoon in Jerusalem.

The decision threatens to heighten tensions with Qatar at a time when the Doha government is playing a key role in mediation efforts to halt the war in Gaza, along with Egypt and the United States.

Netanyahu’s latest move could hamper peace negotiations 

Qatar has had strained ties with Netanyahu in particular since he made comments suggesting that Qatar is not exerting enough pressure on Hamas to prompt it to relent in its terms for a truce deal. Qatar hosts Hamas leaders in exile. The sides appear to be close to striking a deal, but multiple previous rounds of talks have ended with no agreement.

Shortly after the government’s decision, Cabinet members from the National Unity party criticized its timing, saying it “may sabotage the efforts to finalize the negotiations and stems from political considerations.” The party said that in general, it supported the decision.

Israel has long had a rocky relationship with Al Jazeera, accusing it of bias. Relations took a major downturn nearly two years ago when Al Jazeera correspondent Shireen Abu Akleh was killed during an Israeli military raid in the occupied West Bank.

(With inputs from agency)

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