NEET-PG exam: Delhi Police alleges ‘action’ on doctors’ body, calls for complete shutdown

NEET-PG Counselling: The ongoing protest by resident doctors over the delay in conducting the NEET-PG exam took a dramatic turn on Monday evening as medics and police personnel clashed on the streets.

Alleging “brutal” action by the police force, the doctors announced a complete shutdown of health services. Both the doctors and the police claimed that several of their people were injured in their ‘fight’.

The Federation of Resident Doctors Association (FORDA), which is spearheading the protest, claimed that several of its members were “detained” as they took out a protest march from Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC) to the Supreme Court.

A large number of doctors also returned their aprons (lab coats) to their respective hospitals as a symbolic gesture of closure of services. FORDA President Manish told PTI, “We also tried to march from the premises of Maulana Azad Medical College (MAMC) to the Supreme Court, but as soon as we started it, the security personnel did not allow us to proceed.

The police have refuted the claims and said that there was no lathi charge or abusive language used on their part, and said, 12 protesters were detained and later released.

FORDA released a statement on Monday that read: “A dark day in the history of the medical fraternity”.

It said, the resident doctors, the so called ‘Corona Warriors’, protested peacefully for expediting the NEET PG counseling 2021 and were brutally beaten, dragged and detained by the police.

“From today all health institutions will remain completely closed,” the statement said.

Additional Deputy Commissioner of Police (Central) Rohit Meena said the protesters blocked the main road BSZ Marg between ITO and Delhi Gate, disrupting traffic. “They deliberately created nuisance on the main road and blocked both the routes, causing inconvenience and inconvenience to the commuters and the general public,” Meena said in a statement to PTI.

He alleged, “After requesting them to leave the road again, they turned aggressive and assaulted our personnel when an attempt was made to take them into legal custody. Seven policemen were injured while detaining them. They also broke the glass of the police bus.”

Congress leaders Rahul Gandhi and Priyanka Gandhi Vadra also shared a video of a face-off between doctors and police personnel and extended support to the protesting doctors.

Late night, a large number of resident doctors gathered outside Sarojini Nagar police station.

Resident doctors are protesting against the delay in NEET-PG counseling exam. As exams are getting delayed, new batch of doctors are not able to start services, adding to the workload of doctors.

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