NAVI MUMBAI: Healthy dogs, cats cannot be removed from society, says Veterinary Officer of NMMC. Navi Mumbai News – Times of India

NAVI MUMBAI: A move that is certainly a relief to animal lovers and eaters alike, Navi Mumbai Municipal CorporationVeterinary Officer, Dr Shriram Pawar has said that local community animals that are healthy and vaccinated cannot be removed or relocated from their native place, even if they are inside a housing society.
Two days ago, a worker in Nerul had to run at night to stop a cattle-catching van from carrying two dogs, as some members of the society complained that they “bark at night”.
Speaking to TOI, Dr Pawar insisted, “The barking of a dog, at any time of the day or night, is not a valid reason to evict the animal from the society. If a resident community animal is healthy, and better now. are also vaccinated and sterilized, they should remain in their native place. Shifting such animals is illegal and cruel as animals from other areas may attack them after relocation.”
Dr Pawar said NMMC A cat sterilization program will also be started soon, as per the guidelines of Animal Welfare Board of India (AWBI), to control feline populations, along with dog numbers.
city ​​workers Anarjit Chauhan, commented, “We welcome the latest claims by the civil vet officer of not relocating healthy dogs and cats. Since I live in nerul, Sector 19, I personally had to intervene and stop the illegal eviction of two healthy and neutered dogs at night recently. The reason I was told by Civic Dog Catchers was that they had received a complaint from another local resident that these dogs bark at night. It’s ridiculous to drive dogs away, simply because they bark. In fact, dogs assist our night guards in guarding the area, as they alert the guards about any unknown person entering the area.”
Animal activists have also reported that if a dog becomes ill or develops symptoms of rabies, a proper legal process should be followed to examine and treat the animal. “Several cases of animal cruelty have also been reported within and around the NMMC area. KhargharIn Panvel areas, especially by housing societies, who either try to harass cattle eaters or try to illegally remove dogs and cats. Police should cooperate in registering criminal cases against such animal haters,” said another activist from the city.
The recent AWBI guidelines for feeding animals also clearly state that societies should allow feeders to feed local community animals at particular places on the premises, as they have a right to show compassion towards animals.
