National Voters’ Day 2023: Theme, History, Significance And Inspirational Quotes

National Voters' Day 2023: The country celebrated its first National Voters' Day in 2011.

National Voters’ Day 2023: The country celebrated its first National Voters’ Day in 2011.

National Voter’s Day: Every year, India observes National Voter’s Day on 25 January to encourage each and every voter in the country to participate in the electoral process.

National Voters Day 2023: India is the largest democracy in the world. The diverse identity of the electorate, the wide variety in their expectations and aspirations as well as the large number of political parties and organizations truly make every election a festival in the country. Every year, India celebrates National Voters’ Day on 25 January to encourage each and every voter in the country to participate in the electoral process. The idea of ​​marking this day is not very old, it originated in 2011.

National Voters’ Day: History

The country celebrated its first National Voters’ Day in 2011. The idea behind the celebration was to encourage more young voters to participate in the electoral process. The Central Government under the leadership of the then Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had approved a proposal of the Law Ministry in this regard.

The need to do something to highlight the importance of voting was felt when the then Information and Broadcasting Minister Ambika Soni pointed out that new voters (those who have recently turned 18) were showing less interest in getting registered in the voter list. Huh.

To address this issue, the Election Commission of India (ECI) decided to launch a nationwide effort to identify all eligible voters who had reached the age of 18 on January 1. Such voters will be enrolled and given Electoral Photo Identity Card (EPIC) on 25th January every year.

National Voters Day: Significance

People’s voting choices determine who comes to power at the local, regional or national level. This means that votes have the power to choose which people, ideologies and policies will determine the direction of the country in the next few years. Thus, voting is central to determining the direction of people’s lives.

People’s beliefs, needs and aspirations differ from generation to generation. It is important that the coming generation, who will have to play an important role in the socio-cultural and economic sphere of the nation, should come out to vote and feel involved in the process of nation building.

National Voters’ Day 2023: Theme

This year’s theme for National Voters’ Day has not been revealed yet. In 2021, the theme was ‘Making Elections Inclusive, Accessible and Participatory’.

National Voters Day: Quotes To Share

There is no such thing as a vote that does not matter. It all matters. -Barack Obama

The vote is the most powerful nonviolent tool we have. , john lewis

Until we have a vote, we must remain disorganized. – Christabel Pankhurst

Someone fought for your right to vote. use it. , Susan B. Anthony

Democracy cannot be successful unless those who express their choices are prepared to choose wisely. That’s why the real security of democracy is education. , franklin d roosevelt

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