National Startup Day 2023: Quotes and Wishes to Share for a New Business

Last Update: January 16, 2023, 06:05 AM IST

National Startup Day 2023: My best wishes for your new business.  I hope this business will bring you much success and luck.  (Representational Image: Freepik)

National Startup Day 2023: My best wishes for your new business. I hope this business will bring you much success and luck. (Representational Image: Freepik)

National Startup Day 2023: To celebrate National Startup Day, here are some quotes and wishes that you can share with the leaders of tomorrow:

National Startup Day 2023: Interacting with over 150 startups, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had announced last year to observe National Startup Day on January 16 every year. As the backbone of the country and its economy, the Department for Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade and the Ministry of Commerce and Industry have marked the entire week from January 10 to January 16 as National Startup Week.

It is dedicated to bring awareness towards the growing business sector as well as encourage the younger generation to make entrepreneurship their primary career option. This year’s is the second memento of the day.

To celebrate National Startup Day, here are some quotes and wishes you can share with the leaders of tomorrow:


  1. “Chase the vision, not the money; Money will follow you. ,Tony Hsieh, Ex- Zappos CEO
  2. “Your work is going to fill a big part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you think is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” Do it.” ,Steve Jobs, Co-Founder, Chairman and CEO, Apple
  3. “Don’t worry about failure; You only have to be right once. ,Drew Houston, Co-founder and CEO of Dropbox
  4. “Any time is a good time to start a company.” ,Ron Conway, Renowned Startup Investor, SV Angel
  5. “I knew I wouldn’t regret it if I failed, but I knew the only thing I could regret was not trying.” ,Jeff Bezos, Founder and CEO of Amazon
  6. “Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning.” ,Bill Gates, founder and former CEO of Microsoft
  7. “I think it is possible for ordinary people to choose to be extraordinary.” , Elon Musk, Founder, CEO and Chief Designer of SpaceX
  8. “If Plan A doesn’t work, there are 25 more letters in the alphabet.” – Claire Cooke, author
  9. “A small business is an amazing way to serve and make an impact on the world you live in.” , Nicole Snow, Wall Street Journal and USA TODAY bestselling author
  10. “A big business starts small.” , Richard Branson, English business magnate, investor, author and philanthropist

wants to share

  1. Best wishes for your new business this National Startup Day. May this business grow and bring success in your life.
  2. Congratulations and best wishes for your new startup this National Startup Day. I wish you all success with your new venture.
  3. This National Startup Day, I want to tell you that you have all the makings of a great entrepreneur. I have only the best of luck for you as you prepare to enter a new world of success!
  4. Honest and hard working people like you can really change the evil business practices of today’s world. I wish you the best of luck in your new venture!
  5. Work hard to earn money and be honest to earn people’s respect. These two qualities will take you to the top. Best wishes for your new business!
  6. Your new business venture is a bold step towards your dream. I commend you for that. Wishing you more strength and passion to reach your goals this National Startup Day.
  7. Sending my best wishes for your new business. I hope this business will bring you much success and luck.
  8. On this National Startup Day, wishing you all the best as you move towards the next phase in your life without a doubt. You will continue to get success in all fields!
  9. I have always believed that you are made for greatness. Best wishes for your new business.
  10. The journey you are starting today has many opportunities and many risks, but as long as you believe in yourself, nothing can stop you from moving forward. Always push your limits and give your best. On this National Startup Day, I want to wish all of you the best in the world.

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