National Simplicity Day 2021: History, significance and all you need to know about Henry David Thoreau

Like every year, here’s another moment to reflect on a back-to-basic approach to living. The moment of reflection is due to National Simplicity Day on 12 July, celebrated around the world in honor of the birth anniversary of Henry David Thoreau, who took the oath of the principles of the simple life during his lifetime. Thoreau led a simple life in a natural environment away from the complexities of busy life.

Henry David Thoreau was born on this day in 1817 in Concord, Massachusetts, USA. He was an American author, an environmentalist, philosopher, naturalist, poet, historian, surveyor and a transcendentalist, best known for his masterpiece ‘Walden’, the result of his famous two-year stay at Walden Pond in 1845 .

The book is a reflection of their isolation in the wilderness away from the hustle and bustle of life, which led to the author’s experiment to prove that humans could live alone in the forest without the need for the techniques and accessories of modern life.

National Simplicity Day: History and Significance

National Simplicity Day recognizes the life work of Henry David Thoreau who encouraged living a simple life and shunning the complexities of life that weigh us down.

This day came into existence out of the need to free our life from stress and make it simple and meaningful. The day emphasizes the need to free ourselves from the clutches of technology and give ourselves more time so that we can connect with ourselves in a better way.

Thoreau said in his book ‘Walden’, ‘Simplicity, simplicity, simplicity! I say, let your work be two or three, not a hundred or a thousand; Count half a dozen instead of a million, and keep your account on your thumb.

In another quote, Walden’s author said: “As you simplify your life, the laws of the universe will become simpler”.

On Henry David Thoreau Day, we would recommend life in just his words: Don’t complicate your life with unnecessary stress. Live simple, contented, happy and with a purpose. Learn about the important things in life that you need to focus on and free yourself from the rest. Lastly, stop yourself from impulsive and unnecessary purchases!

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