Nargis Jayanti: Top 5 films of the veteran actress that will stay with us forever

Nargis starred opposite Raj Kapoor in Awara and Shree 420.

Nargis starred opposite Raj Kapoor in Awara and Shree 420.

Nargis has left behind a legacy that is still loved by Bollywood fans

  • Last Update:Jun 01, 2022, 07:55 AM IST
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Born as Fatima Rashid on June 1, 1929, legendary actress Nargis is widely regarded as one of the greatest in the Hindi film industry. In an active Bollywood career spanning nearly two decades, Nargis delivered some of the most iconic characters in the Indian film industry. His performance was not only loved by the fans but it also received critical acclaim.

After her marriage with Sunil Dutt in 1958, Nargis gradually started distancing herself from films to focus on her family and their three children- Namrata, Priya and Sanjay Dutt.

Sadly, at the age of 51, his life was tragically cut short by pancreatic cancer. Nargis has left behind a legacy that is still loved by Bollywood fans. Today on his birth anniversary, we look back at his illustrated career and list some of his most iconic repertoire.

  1. Mother India
    In Mehboob Khan’s Oscar-nominated Mother India, Nargis played the role of a poor village woman named Radha, who single-handedly struggles to raise her sons and survive against a cunning moneylender. Interestingly, the actress was just 28 years old when she played this elderly lady. Nargis’s future husband Sunil Dutt played the role of her son.
  2. loafers
    Directed by Raj Kapoor, Awara has Nargis opposite the showman herself. The film revolves around the lives of poor Raj (Kapoor) and the privileged Rita (Nargis).
  3. Raat Aur Din
    Director Satyen Bose’s Raat Aur Din won Nargis her first National Film Award for Best Actress. She played the character of Varun, a married woman with social identity disorder. By day she is a housewife, while at night she calls herself Peggy and roams the streets of Calcutta.
  4. Mr 420
    The iconic on-screen pairing of Raj Kapoor and Nargis was once again seen in the highest-grossing film of 1955, Shree 420. In the film, Nargis plays Vidya, a poor but virtuous city girl who has a soft corner for a country boy. Rule. However, Raj is soon seduced by a dishonest lifestyle and becomes a thug.
  5. style
    Three of the most iconic film stars of that era were seen in the style of director Mehboob Khan. The film centered around the love triangle of Dilip Kumar, Raj Kapoor and Nargis. She played the character of Nina.

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