Nadda to lead ‘people’s movement’ against TRS government’s arrest of ‘illegal’ prisoner Sanjay, BJP plans mega-aggressive

Intensifying its campaign against the Telangana government, the BJP has decided to launch a ‘Jan Andolan’ against the ‘illegal’ arrest of its state president Bandi Sanjay, for holding a ‘Jagran Diksha’ at its camp office against the government. was taken into custody. Transfer orders of teachers and other employees

Starting Tuesday, the ‘Jan Andolan’ is being led by BJP President JP Nadda who will take part in a candlelight rally in Hyderabad.

Sources said the protest would go on for 14 days till Sanjay is in custody and would see the participation of Union ministers and leaders of the party’s central unit. However, these protests will be organized keeping in mind the COVID-19 protocol and guidelines, sources said.

“Every day, there will be a senior leader or a Union minister leading the rally to register a protest against the illegal arrest of the BJP state president and an MP. By today, fourteen places will also be finalized where these protests will be held.”

The party had held protests at 150 places across the state on Monday.

Telangana in-charge Tarun Chugh, among other senior leaders, will also be present at the rally. “What happened in Telangana was the murder of democracy. They are afraid of BJP which is raising voice against their anti-people policies. We were amazed to see the scenes of Sanjay being forcibly taken from the camp office and arrested,” Chugh said.

Senior party leaders believe that BJP will not let this incident go down easily and will fight it with full force in Telangana unlike West Bengal.

Telangana is one of the southern states where BJP is expected to expand and make its mark as a major party.

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