Nadda to Inaugurate Two-day Nationwide Government Assembly of BJP Cells in Patna

Final Up to date: July 30, 2022, 10:14 IST

BJP chief J P Nadda will inaugurate a two-day joint national executive meeting of different cells of the party on Saturday.
(Photo: PTI)

BJP chief J P Nadda will inaugurate a two-day joint nationwide govt assembly of various cells of the get together on Saturday.
(Photograph: PTI)

Union Dwelling Minister Amit Shah will deal with the valedictory session of the programme on Sunday

BJP chief J P Nadda will inaugurate a two-day joint nationwide govt assembly of various cells of the get together in Patna on Saturday.

Union Dwelling Minister Amit Shah will deal with the valedictory session of the programme on Sunday.

“We are going to accord a rousing welcome to Nadda Ji at Patna airport at this time. After his arrival, he’ll garland a statue of Dr B R Ambedkar at Patna Excessive Court docket round 11 AM, after which undertake a street present from there until J P Golambar,” BJP state media-in-charge Rajib Ranjan stated.

“After that, Nadda Ji will inaugurate Gram Sansad meant to deliberate on central and state authorities scheme and their implementation. At Gyan Bhavan, he’ll first inaugurate an exhibition after which deal with the joint nationwide govt assembly of office-bearers of seven cells of the get together round 4 PM,” he stated.

Shah will arrive in Patna on Sunday to deal with the members of the occasion, following which he and Nadda will return to New Delhi, Ranjan added.

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