Must eat summer food to build immunity against XE variant

We are witnessing a declining trend in daily COVID-19 cases, but health experts around the world have repeatedly warned us not to make the mistake of downplaying the number of coronavirus cases with the end of the pandemic. COVID-19 is not over yet. In late March, the UK Health Protection Agency (UKHSA) announced the danger of a new variant called Xe, which is claimed to be a recombinant, meaning that it is a mixture of two strains, which makes it the first strain. Makes it more permeable than variants.

Now, we all know that we can try to keep ourselves safe only through vaccination, but there is one more precaution, whose importance cannot be said enough and that is to build our immunity.

The tendency to boost our immune system faded after the third wave of coronavirus, but we must keep in mind that we have not yet found a cure for the deadly virus, so we must do everything possible to keep the infection at bay. , And what better way than to include nutritious food in your daily diet. Currently, we are in the midst of the summer season, and luckily the beautiful season offers us innumerable healthy options that boost our immunity in one way or another.

So, let’s dive into summer foods that can help cool down the body, prevent heat exhaustion, and boost immunity too:


Unfortunately, the king of fruits is available only during the summer season, which makes it difficult to taste and consume its nutrition throughout the year. The delicious fruit is rich in antioxidants like vitamins A, C and K, which are well-known for warding off infections and reducing oxidative stress.


Mint is not only popular for its invigorating aroma and fresh taste, but it is also packed with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which successfully ward off harmful radicals.


This delicious juicy fruit not only provides ample nutrition but also keeps your body hydrated. It contains high amount of fiber which is very healthy for gut health. It is completely loaded with fibre, Vitamin C and B6.

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