Mumbai University Exam Had Questions Out of Study Material, Students Start Meme Fest

Mumbai University (MU) students claim that their ongoing exams are tough as none of the questions asked in the exam was from the question banks provided to them by the varsity. The second-year law students and third-year computer engineering students are complaining about the issue to the authorities. Students have begun a meme fest on social media platforms with several students claiming that the Mumbai University has done them wrong and if it will not be part of the final exam then what is the point of having a question bank.

“Nothing was asked from question bank, all (questions) were out of question bank question. Nearly 50-60 marks were out of question bank,” tweeted one of the students.

For the past couple of years, candidates have been referring to the question banks and reference materials provided by the varsity to prepare for the exams due to the lockdown. The exam was held in the multiple-choice pattern. Students have been left disappointed as they claim maximum of the questions were not from what they have studied or the material provided to them.

“After my math paper I am highly demotivate to study my next subject I don’t know what to study there is no trust on question bank,” wrote another student. Several students have begun sharing memes on Twitter.

Meanwhile, earlier, students had demanded the exams be held in the online mode as the classes too were held in the virtual mode. They had stated it would be an injustice with some colleges conducting exams online and some offline. They demanded that the exams be held online across all colleges of MU. The varsity is conducting the semester exam currently.

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