Mumbai: One arrested for throwing a petrol bottle across the boundary wall of the airport ‘without any special reason’. Mumbai News – Times of India

Mumbai: Twelve days later found near a bottle full of petrol Airportthe perimeter wall of, was arrested by a local resident Plaster Police on Sunday
Police said that the accused Ganesh Palekar had no intention of making any threats and had committed a ‘mischief’. Palekar was produced in a magistrate’s court on Sunday and was released on bail.
Palekar said water had entered the fuel tank of his motorcycle and he decided to empty the tank. He took out the fuel mixed with water in a bottle and casually tossed the bottle on the perimeter wall.
Palekar told the police that he had no intention of threatening or harming anyone and tossed the bottle without any specific reason.
On August 11, a bottle was thrown at the perimeter wall of the airport in Santa Cruz East.
The bottle landed in the middle of a pile of garbage. a CISF jawan Got the bottle and informed his superiors.
Bomb Detection and Disposal Squad (BDDS) and sniffer dogs were pressed into action.
A small amount of petrol was found in the bottle.
It is not clear who or for what purpose the bottle was thrown from the slums of Gamdevi.
Vakola police registered an FIR and conducted searches at Gamdevi slums.
The officials checked several CCTV cameras from the neighbourhood. Based on the clues found in the CCTV, they picked up Palekar.


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