Mumbai Cricket Association fiasco: President, secretary stay away from “AGM”, rival faction appoints Vengsarkar to represent MCA in BCCI

Former India captain Dilip Vengsarkar was named as the representative of the Mumbai Cricket Association for future BCCI forums at the state unit’s AGM, which incidentally was not attended by either president Vijay Patil or secretary Sanjay Naik, thereby legitimizing the meeting. But there was a question mark.

Naik in fact told PTI that “there was no AGM today and it has been postponed. We are not aware of any such meeting.”

However, 109 authorized signatories attended the meeting, which was called by the opposition faction led by the Ravi Sawant-Ravi Mandrekar group, which in fact reversed all decisions taken by the ruling government.

It is still unclear whether Saturday’s meeting, which the rival faction is calling the “AGM”, will be recognized or not, attended only by the ruling group’s treasurer Jagdish Achrekar but did not sign the minutes.

Several important decisions were taken at the 85th AGM of the MCA, including the dissolution of the all-important Cricket Improvement Committee (CIC) of three former India players Vinod Kambli, Jatin Paranjpe and Nilesh Kulkarni as they were not happy with their performance. . In the white ball tournament.

Surprisingly, the senior selection committee headed by Salil Ankola has been retained despite selecting those teams for the white-ball tournament.

The “general body” also appointed a new Lokpal – retired Justice Bhosale of the Allahabad High Court.

Minutes of the 84th AGM have not been accepted while the auditor for the next financial year has been changed.

In fact, the “general body” did not adopt any of the reports, including the secretary and the treasurer. The Secretary’s report has actually been sent back to the Apex Council for re-drafting.

The new MCA GC president will be Milind Narvekar while Nilesh Bhosale is now a member of the governing council.

It remains to be seen whether the ruling faction, led by Patil and Naik, accepts the decisions taken as they are the ones who represent the state on the BCCI platform.

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