MSK Prasad Responds To Ambati Rayudu’s Claims Of 2019 World Cup Snub:

Former BCCI chief selector MSK Prasad has reacted to Ambati Rayudu’s recent comments regarding his exclusion from the 2019 World Cup squad. Rayudu, considered India’s No. 4 batsman, was dropped from the team, leading to controversy. In a recent revelation, Rayudu hinted that his relationship with Prasad may have played a role in his omission from the prestigious ICC tournament. Rayudu cited differences with Prasad when they were together in domestic cricket in 2005.

Responding to Rayudu’s blistering statement, Prasad clarified that the selection process involved a committee of five selectors, including the captain, who took the decision collectively. “We all know that there are five selectors in the selection committee and the captain sitting in the selection committee. Will any one person’s decision be taken or is it a consensus or is it an entire collective decision that will be taken? If one person can take the decision then you don’t need five selectors. That’s why any decision is taken only with the consent of the entire selection committee. So it is a collective decision. Not a personal decision. I can propose something but someone else has to accept it. No individual decision will be valid in a committee,” Prasad told Times Now

Rayudu, who had a successful ODI career scoring 1694 runs in 55 matches at an impressive average of 47.05, experienced a slump after being dropped from the 2019 World Cup squad. The selection committee led by Prasad chose Vijay Shankar over Rayudu for the tournament. Prasad explained that Rayudu’s exclusion was not his decision alone, but a collective decision made by the selection committee, which gave Rayudu a fair chance ahead of the World Cup. Prasad admitted that there were no differences between him and Rayudu in 2005, but suggested that Rayudu may have had doubts about his strict captaincy style.

Setting the record straight, Prasad revealed, “Actually, I will tell you the truth. Nothing happened in 2005. There are absolutely no differences. Look, he says he must not have liked my style of captaincy.” . Which is fair, you know. Of course you may have a difference of opinion. You know I am strict with everything. I am strict in regime, strict in fitness, and strict in everything. Maybe he didn’t like my routine or something, but that’s okay”