Mother’s Day 2022: Easy to make dessert recipes for the occasion

Mother's Day 2022
Image Source : PR HANDOUT

Almond cherry kulfi is the perfect dessert for Mother’s Day

On the occasion of Mother’s Day 2022, surprise your mom by making a delicious dessert for her. Here are some recipes by Chef Manish Mehrotra that you can try making at home.

Read: Happy Mother’s Day 2022: Quotes, Wishes, SMS, WhatsApp messages, greetings, photos, HD images

Almond & Cherry Kulfi

Servings: 4

Prep Time: 15 mins
Cook Time: 40 mins
Difficulty Level: Intermediate

Read: Mother’s Day 2022: 8 tips for aspiring mompreneurs to help scale businesses to greater heights


Fresh cherries, pitted 2 cups
Water cup
Almond milk 4 cups
Condensed milk cup
Heavy cream cup
Sugar 1/2 cup
Almond meal cup
Toasted almond flakes 1 tbsp


— Place cherries, water and cup sugar in a pan over low flame. cook, stirring 5-6, minutes till the cherries soften and the mixture thickens. allow to cool and set aside.

— In a pan, add almond milk and put it on a low flame. keep on stirring; do not let the almond milk burn. the milk will start to thicken.

— Once it becomes half the volume add the almond meal, condensed milk and sugar and mix them well. allow it cool slightly and stir in the heavy cream. strain the mixture.

— Add cooked cherry compote and mix well. allow the kulfi mixture to cool, pour it into kulfi molds or small bowls and freeze them.

— Demould the kulfi and serve it garnished with toasted almond flakes.

Badam milk mousse, almond biscuit


For badam milk mousse
Almond flakes 45 gms
Almond milk 150 ml
White chocolate 425 g
Bakery cream 400 ml
Egg yolk 5 no
Fine sugar 50 g
Saffron gm
Green cardamom powder tsp

For biscotti

Unsalted butter 75 gms
Castor sugar 100 gms
Egg 1no
Refined flour 150 g
Baking soda 1 g
Baking powder 3 g
Almond with skin 50 g
Almond powder 25 gm
Zest of lemon 1 no


For badam milk mousse

— Roast almonds flakes in preheated oven at 180 degree celsius for 4 minutes or till golden in colour.
— Heat almond milk. add white chocolate and make ganache. add saffron threads and green cardamom powder, mix it thoroughly.
— Whisk yolks and sugar till creamy consistency.
— Beat bakery cream to ribbon consistency.
— Fold the ganache into beaten yolk and then fold the beaten cream into it.
— Pour mousse in a cup and chill, till it sets.
— Garnish mousse with slivers of almonds and almond biscotti.

For biscotti

— Roughly chop almonds with skin.
— Lightly cream butter and sugar in a mixing bowl. add egg to bowl and again cream it.
— Add refined flour, baking soda, baking powder, lemon zest and almond powder to it mixture and mix it thoroughly
— Fold in roughly chopped almonds.
— Shape the mixture like a french loaf and bake it at 180 celsius for 20 minutes.
— Cool the loaf, cut it into thin slices and bake it at 150 celsius for 8 to 10 minutes or till crisp
