Most Embarrassing Internship! British woman tied with a stick for a job of Rs 2567, read full story

Most people have had to go through grueling internships to get the job they want and can be brutal. While some interns end up showing a creative side that leaves their employers stunned. A 22-year-old management student stood up and handcuffed himself to a pole in central London.

Anya Jackson posted a photo of the incident and wrote that it was a paid stent and the suggestion was hers too. Jackson stood with a sign saying “World’s most embarrassing internship. Singles? Download Thursday. #cuffing season”

Read the post here:

She mentioned that she was given a target of £25 or Rs 2,567 and that she had to get a thousand people to sign up for the app. He handcuffed himself with a sign asking people to sign up, and then posted the picture on LinkedIn. She also mentions that as soon as she got 1000 signatures, her manager opened it.

Although the post received mixed reactions, many said the stunt was “disturbing” and the part was a bit extreme for the internship. Some users also saw the stunt as exploitative and despicable. However, some appreciated his creativity and he received many job offers along with ample support.

viral news, internship

This picture on Jackson’s LinkedIn account has gone viral on social media. The post has so far garnered over 14,000 likes and 1,000 comments.
