Most deaths due to lack of treatment in 2020: 81.16 lakh people died, out of which 45% did not get treatment

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  • India Coronavirus (COVID 19) Death Data; CRS Important Updates And Latest News

New Delhi8 minutes ago

The Union Home Ministry has released a report regarding the total deaths in the country in 2020. According to this report released under the name of Civil Registration System (CRS) 2020, a total of 81.16 lakh people died in the country in 2020. Of these, 45% did not receive any medical treatment. This is the highest number of deaths till date due to lack of treatment. In the year 2019, this figure was 34.5% of the deaths across the country.

Let us inform that in the beginning of 2020, due to Corona, 80 to 100% beds of many hospitals were reserved. Because of this non-Covid patients could not get treatment. However, these figures show a decline in the number of hospital deaths in 2020. The figure for these deaths came down from 32.1% to 28%. This figure shows the sharpest decline ever.

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10% of people died due to lack of treatment in 2011

This difference in the number of deaths due to lack of medical facilities and in hospitals is not new. In the last 10 years, the number of deaths due to lack of medical facilities has increased rapidly. At the same time, deaths in medical institutions have decreased rapidly.

In 2011, only 10% of deaths were due to lack of medical facilities. However, during that time only 67% of the deaths were recorded. Deaths in institutions increased during that time as these deaths were registered. As the deaths started registering, so did the number of deaths.

In two years this difference is negligible
In 2017 and 2018, the number of deaths due to lack of medical facilities and in medical facilities was almost equal. These figures were a third of the total deaths across the country. The information about what caused the remaining one-third of the deaths could not be recorded.

In the year 2019, the deaths due to lack of medical facilities were more than the deaths in medical institutions, but due to the corona epidemic, there has been an increase in the deaths due to lack in 2020. According to the trend, this figure will increase even in 2021, because a large population could not get hospital facilities during the epidemic.

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