Morning News Podcast: Richard Branson successful in first private space trip, conspiracy to attack fidayeen failed in 6 districts of UP, 16 killed due to lightning in Jaipur

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  • Dainik Bhaskar Morning News Podcast; Richard Branson successful in first private space trip to plan fidayeen attack failed in 6 districts of UP and solar storms could hit more earth today

5 hours ago

Today is Monday, date 12th July 2021; Ashadh month, Shukla Paksha and Dwitiya Tithi.

First of all today’s major events, which will be seen

  1. Allopathy controversy: The Supreme Court will hear on the application to stop the investigation of the cases registered against Ramdev.
  2. Congress General Secretary Priyanka Gandhi will hold a meeting with the leaders of Uttar Pradesh in Delhi regarding the organization.

Now tomorrow’s major news, which will keep you updated

1. British Billionaire Richard Branson’s 60-Minute Space Voyage

British billionaire and Virgin Group founder Richard Branson made history on Sunday. He returned from a 60-minute spaceflight on a Virgin Galactic rocket plane. Upon landing, Branson said, ‘It’s a memorable experience of life. Congratulations to our wonderful team working at Virgin Galactic for 17 years. It was only because of his hard work for such a long time that we could reach here.
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2. Sirisha of Indian origin also reached space with Branson
Born in Chirala in Guntur district of Andhra Pradesh, Sirisha Bandla left for space from the space station in New Mexico. With this, she became the second woman born in India to travel in space. Earlier, Kalpana Chawla, who was born in Haryana, had flown in space. Apart from these, Squadron Leader Rakesh Sharma and Indian-origin Sunita Williams have also traveled to space.
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3. Al Qaeda wanted to carry out fidayeen attacks in 6 districts of UP
UP ATS conducted a day-long search operation on Sunday in Dubagga area of ​​Kakori police station area of ​​Lucknow. Uttar Pradesh’s ADG Law and Order Prashant Kumar said that the ATS has arrested two terrorists of Ansar Ghazwatul Hind, Minhaj Ahmed and Maseeruddin alias Musheer, associated with Al Qaeda. These terrorists wanted to carry out a fidayeen attack around 15 August. 6 districts of UP including Lucknow were on their target.
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Lightning struck Jaipur’s Amer Mahal, 35 were hit, 16 died
Lightning struck the watch tower in Amer Mahal on Sunday amid heavy rain in Jaipur. More than 35 tourists roaming here got caught in it. 16 people have died in the accident. Many of the injured are still in critical condition. Many of them had fallen from the hill and got trapped in the bushes. The death toll is expected to rise. There have been incidents of lightning at many places in the state. In these 20 people have lost their lives.

4. Student murdered in Madhya Pradesh addicted to PUBG and Free Fire
Addiction to PUBG and Free Fire game became the reason behind the murder of a student in Madhya Pradesh. The youth of Nagda in Ujjain had borrowed Rs 5000 from the neighboring youth for the top-up of the game. When the money could not be returned, there was a fight with the neighbor. The matter escalated so much that the neighbor kidnapped her and strangled her to death. His mutilated body was found on Saturday. The police arrested the accused on Sunday.
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5. Unlock 7 in Delhi; Training center will be opened with 50% capacity
The guideline of Unlock-7 was issued in Delhi on Sunday. In this, permission has been given to open all types of training centers with 50% capacity. Now schools, colleges, skill development, including police and army training centers will not need to take permission. Apart from these, permission has also been given for gathering to be held under academic programs. This includes school-college related meetings.
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6. Solar storm is coming, mobile signal may weaken
A powerful solar storm is moving very fast towards the earth. Its speed is 1.6 million (16 lakh) kilometers per hour. The US space agency NASA says that its speed may also increase. The storm could hit Earth any time on Monday. This can have a profound effect on the Earth’s magnetic field. This can weaken the GPS and mobile phone signals.
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7. Novak Djokovic wins 6th Wimbledon and 20th Grand Slam

Serbia’s world number-1 Novak Djokovic has won the Wimbledon title for the sixth time. In the final, he defeated Matteo Berrettini of Italy 6-7, 6-4, 6-4, 6-3. This is Djokovic’s 20th Grand Slam. With this, he has equaled the record of most Grand Slam winner Roger Federer of Switzerland and Rafael Nadal of Spain.
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Some important news, only in the headline

  1. Twitter has appointed Resident Grievance Officer in India, 3 days after new IT Minister’s warning, Twitter has accepted the law
  2. A law like love jihad will be made in Assam too, this law will be applicable to both Hindu and Muslim against marrying by hiding religion.

what happened today in history
On this day in 1949, the 16-month ban on the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) was lifted. It was banned after the assassination of Gandhiji on 30 January 1948. The government had put a condition while lifting the ban that RSS would have to make its own constitution and elections would have to be held in the organization. The Sangh will not take part in political activities and will confine itself to cultural activities.

and now today’s thought
Many people who fail in life don’t know how close they were to success when they gave up – Thomas Alva Edison

Have a nice day, see you tomorrow…

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