Monsoon Skincare Guide: How To Protect And Nourish Your Skin During Rainy Days

As the rainy season approaches, it not only brings relief from the scorching heat but also poses new challenges for your skin. Humidity, humidity and the occasional rain can have an adverse effect, leaving your skin vulnerable to various problems like infections, acne and dullness. Oily and combination skin types are most affected due to an imbalance in the secretion of oil and sebum.

Sebaceous glands secreting excessive amounts of sebum means that other skin-damaging substances such as dirt and pollution stick to the skin like a beehive, clogging the pores. This accumulation of dirt eventually results in acne, blackheads and other painful skin reactions.

However, with the right skin care routine, you can effectively protect and nourish your skin during monsoon. Queenie Singh, co-founder and CEO of Beauty Bi BiE, shares tips on how to protect and nourish your skin during the monsoon season.

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So if you are already tired of monsoon related skin ailments, here is how you can avoid it!

1. Take the oath of double cleansing

During monsoon, your skin is not only exposed to oil-based impurities like makeup, SPF and excess sebum, but also water-based impurities like dirt and pollutants. The foundation for healthy skin this season should be based on a double cleansing routine, consisting of both an oil-based cleanser and a water-based face wash to ensure that your skin is thoroughly cleansed before starting the rest of your routine.

2. Don’t Skip Your Moisturizer

We know our skin might feel oily and sticky during monsoons, but believe it or not – skipping or reducing your moisturiser, will only make matters worse. Not moisturizing your skin can lead to overproduction of oil, as our skin thinks it needs to compensate.

3. Protect With Sunblock

Don’t be fooled by the cloudy sky and the introverted sun. The UV rays are still lurking and damaging your skin. Choose a broad-spectrum sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or higher. Look for silicone-free sunscreens without harsh chemicals that are non-comedogenic and feel as light as a lotion.

4. Say goodbye to monsoon acne

Clogged pores, blackheads and blemishes reappear every rainy season. Fight them with a resurfacing mask or gentle exfoliator that frees your pores of stubborn impurities. Incorporate anti-bacterial products with Japanese root extract or tea tree oil into your routine to prevent future acne breakouts. Avoid touching your face at any cost, and if touching is necessary, wash your hands thoroughly for a full 1 minute before doing so.

5. Step Out in Waterproof Makeup

Ditch your heavy-duty foundation and switch to a lighter to medium-coverage foundation. Primers and tinted moisturizers made with light hydration like hyaluronic acid can make a huge difference. Waterproof eyeliner and mascara will withstand the weather and stay put all day long. These are the surefire ways to avoid skin blemishes and clogged pores during the rainy season.

6. Freshen Your Water

With the sweltering heat of summer left behind, it becomes incredibly difficult to drink enough water every day. Switch up your hydration routine with some coconut water for an extra boost of essential nutrients. Coconut not your thing? Add a slice of lemon and some mint to regular water for similar benefits.

“It is essential to design a monsoon skin care regime suitable for your skin type and follow it diligently like a bible to enjoy hydrated, soft, supple and glowing skin. Due to more sensitive and sensitive skin we should take care of our skin in this season. The warm moisture in the air triggers bacteria, which leads to allergic reactions like rashes, redness and swelling. Follow these quick tips and rest assured that your skin will feel protected and nourished throughout the monsoon season,” said Singh.