Monsoon Hair Care Tips: Follow these tricks to keep your long hair healthy during the rainy season

New Delhi: Monsoon winds have already entered India. The daily torrential rains may prove to be a relief from the heat, but it also causes many problems. People with long hair need special care in monsoon.

Monsoon causes hair loss and increases the risk of dandruff and fungal infections. A slight carelessness regarding the hair can prove to be harmful. Experts agree that monsoon is not the right time to experiment with hair. Also, the use of newly launched hair products should be kept to a minimum.

Not only this, you can avoid hair fall during monsoon by taking care of many other things. Let us know about the things that you can do to take care of your hair.

Shampooing: After enjoying the rain, women often blow dry their hair without washing or shampooing it. However, experts believe that rain water contains many impurities that can damage your hair. These impurities can make hair sticky and damaged. That’s why it is always advisable to use shampoo.

Use of chemical free shampoo: Choosing the right shampoo is very important for healthy hair. Due to the moisture in the monsoon season, a lot of sweat accumulates in the hair, due to which the hair becomes sticky. In such a situation, women should wash their hair frequently. Also, avoid using chemical based shampoos for your hair.

Say ‘No’ to the Hair Dryer: Minimize the use of hair dryer to dry the hair. Rain water makes your hair roots very weak. In such a situation, blowing hot air on the hair can make them even more vulnerable. Use a microfiber tissue to absorb the moisture from the hair. Avoid combing and combing wet hair.

Pay attention to the health of your hair: To prevent hair fall, it is also important to take care of the health of the hair. To take special care of your skin and hair, take care of vitamins and minerals in the diet. The lack of vitamins A, C, D, E and B, zinc, iron, protein and fatty acids in the diet leads to weakening of the hair roots. This causes the condition of the hair to deteriorate and your hair eventually starts falling out.

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