Monday Positive: Want more daughters than sons; 45 children were adopted in Gwalior in three years, out of which 27 girls

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  • Desire for daughters more than sons; In Gwalior, 45 children were adopted in three years, including 27 girls.

Gwalior13 hours agoAuthor: Abhishek Sharma

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Couples from Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Bangalore as well as foreign couples also came to Gwalior to adopt a child.  - Dainik Bhaskar

Couples from Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Bangalore as well as foreign couples also came to Gwalior to adopt a child.

More number of couples from Mumbai, Pune, Chennai, Bangalore came to adopt orphan children from Gwalior than the districts of MP. A couple from Europe has also adopted a girl child from Gwalior. Similarly, a couple from Jammu and Kashmir has also adopted a child from Gwalior.

Under the supervision of the Department of Women and Child Development, two organizations Matruchhaya and Balaji are authorized to adopt and adopt orphan children. A total of 45 children have been adopted from both the institutions in the last three years. These include 27 girls. Adopted children range from 0 to 5 years old.

Understand from these two cases in which condition the children were found, and how are they now

  • case 1 A few years ago in Gwalior, a two-day-old girl was found by an auto driver in a deserted area. He was given in the nursery. Now this girl child is living in a reputed family of South India.
  • case 2 The newborn girl was found by the employees in the bushes of Jayarogya Hospital premises. The girl was treated here for a month. Then he was brought to the nursery. She has been adopted by a doctor couple in Mumbai.

Most of the adopting couples are from the corporate sector

The profession of most of the couples who came to Gwalior and adopted children has been associated with the corporate sector. This couple from Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore are working in IT, Management companies.

most couple adopting daughter

We are trying to ensure that the orphan children get the right families. It is a very happy situation that the trend of people is now increasing in adopting daughters. whatever we have coupleWhen they contact, they talk about adopting daughters first.
– Rajeev Singh, District Program Officer, Women and Child Development Department, Gwalior

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