Modi govt should disclose objectives of national monetization pipeline: Chidambaram – Times of India

Mumbai: Former Union Finance Minister P Chidambaram On Friday demanded that the Center reveal the objectives of the National Monetization Pipeline (NMP) and if its sole objective was to raise revenue over a period of four years.
Addressing a press conference, Chidambaram posed 20 questions to the Modi government and said his Congress party has “objections and objections” to the NMP and the government’s proposal to monetise the identified assets and take four years. To earn a revenue of Rs.6 lakh crore.
He said that the identified assets should currently give a certain revenue every year.
“Has the government calculated the difference between the current undisclosed revenue and the estimated revenue of Rs six lakh crore in four years? If so, what is the difference between the two zodiac signs every year during the four years,” he asked.
“The NMP is intended to be co-terminus with the National Infrastructure Pipeline (NIP), which requires Rs 100 lakh crore. How will Rs 6 lakh crore be enough to finance a Rs 100 lakh crore NIP in four years?
Senior Congress leaders also wanted the government to specify whether Rs 6 lakh crore, when realized, would be used to partially finance the fiscal deficit of Rs 5.5 lakh crore in 2021-22 or meet old loans. will not be done.
He also sought to know from the government that revenue of Rs 6 lakh crore is expected from the total capital investment in the identified properties.
Chidambaram also asked whether the lessees in monetized properties would maintain the existing level of employment and the policy of reservation.
He also wanted to know whether the Government has examined the effect of NMP on the prices of goods and services in the concerned sector/industry.
Criticizing the NMP, he said the Congress party, while in power, monetised non-core, loss-making assets, which is contrary to the proposal of the Narendra Modi-led government.
He said the Congress government never sold its strategic assets. “We have always ensured that there is no monopoly in monetization as we have selected assets based on criteria,” he said.
Chidambaram asked the government whether provisions would be included in the invitation to bid (ITB) to ensure that the monetization process would not create a monopoly or monopoly in the sector.
“What provisions will be included to prevent the emerging monopolies in ports, airports, telecom and power sectors,” he asked.
“The Modi government’s plan is daylight robbery of property which took years to build,” he said.
Chidambaram demanded that the Center disclose the current revenue from the properties it plans to sell.
“The Konkan Railway and Delhi Mumbai Freight Corridor will also be sold,” he said, adding that the announcement was made without discussion and consultation and to avoid parliamentary debate.
Chidambaram asked the government to disclose the value of the properties that would come back to the government after a period.
“What are the objectives of the national monetization pipeline? The only objective is to raise revenue over a period of four years,” he asked.
“The finance minister must have a house somewhere in India. Lease her to me for 99 years and she can hang on to the paper that calls her the owner of the house. What will I give him after 99 years? If I am not the owner then will I maintain, repair and upgrade it,” he said, referring to the government’s stand that it will continue to be the owner of the property.
“If there is no owner of the property then what will be the interest of the party in maintaining the property,” he asked.
Chidambaram said while listing the assets to be monetised, the government acknowledged the work done in the last 70 years. “Its list has exposed a big lie,” he said.
He said that people should raise their voice against the menace of selling property.
Asked whether the Congress was planning to challenge the government legally, he said only one policy announcement has been made so far.
“Once the invitation to bid (ITB) process starts, someone will definitely challenge it. Congress prefers people’s court and we will raise awareness about the dangers.
Chidambaram asked whether the government would stipulate in the contract that the amount of depreciation should only be kept in the depreciation reserve account to be used for maintaining, upgrading or adding to the asset so that at the end of the lease term, a valuable asset Government should be returned. He also asked whether the property would have to be alienated by the lessee.


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