Mizoram: Over 1,700 Myanmar refugees flood Mizoram | Guwahati News – Times of India

Aizawl: about 1,700 refugees from myanmar have entered and taken refuge in Mizoram Following an attack on a Myanmar Army camp in Lunglar village by armed civilians called the Chinaland Defense Force (CDF), commanded by Chin National Army (CNA) cadres, opposite thingsai Friday morning in a village in the Hanathiyal district of Mizoram.
While some refugees trickled in on Friday, the capture of a Myanmar military camp by the CDF/CNA on Saturday night triggered a greater influx of refugees, again using fighter jets, from retaliation from the Myanmar military under the command of the Military Council. Were afraid .
Thingsai Village Pc. K Village Council President (VCP) remkunga On Monday it said more than 723 refugees had arrived in Thingsai village after the Lunglar clashes till Sunday night.
Remkunga said, “255 (115 men and 140 women) of the refugees, including 126 children and infants, crossed the Mizoram-Myanmar border river Tiau on Sunday alone on a steel suspension bridge between Bungkhua village (Myanmar) and Thingsai villages.” They crossed and entered Thingsai village,” Remkunga said. .
He predicted that more refugees were likely to enter the village in the next few days. He said the refugees were housed in three buildings built for the proposed Seema Haat, while many of them had to be content with makeshift huts made of silpaulin and bamboo.
