mission shakti: Trans Persons To Collect Parking Fees For Bemc | Bhubaneswar News – Times of India

BERHAMPUR: The Berhampur Municipal Corporation (BeMC) on Friday roped in members of a transgender community here to Mission Shakti groups in a bid to collect parking fee from major public stands in the city.
Two years ago, in a pilot project, the civic body had entrusted two transgender groups to collect parking fee from four major public stands.
But the experiment failed as workers withdrew from the task, citing “zero profit on their part” and demanded more incentives.
“At that time, the BeMC was providing 10% of total collection as incentive to the transgender groups. Now, we have enhanced it to 40%,” said Siddheshwar Baliram Bondare,
“Ten Mission Shakti groups will collect parking fee from 10 major public stands. A one-year agreement has been made with the groups. The workers will get 40% of the total collection as the incentive. We will decide whether to give more areas to the Mission Shakti groups only after seeing their performance,” he added.
Each group has been provided M-POS machines for the work.
The workers have already undergone training on using the machines. “The initiative aims to provide employment to the transgender community,” Bondare added.
