Ministry of AYUSH suggests measures to prevent Kovid-19, care during illness India News – Times of India

New Delhi: Amidst concerns about a possible bounce in the market COVID-19 Cases in the country powered by the new version omicron, The Ministry of AYUSH has come out with a comprehensive document suggesting for Redressal To deal with COVID-19, care during the illness as well as the later stages of COVID.
“Covid-19 is an evolving disease characterized by the development of a primary disease sequelae known as post-COVID syndrome and prolonged COVID-19. It has been observed that patients recovering from SARS-CoV-2 suffer from persistent and often, debilitating symptoms, which last for several months after their initial diagnosis,” said an official.
Recommendations include tips on diet, mental health and physical health.
The official said that these recommendations emphasize the need for AYUSH preventive measures and a healthy lifestyle with respect to covid-19 and long-term covid-19.
General preventive measures and methods to promote systemic immunity, methods of promoting local mucosal immunity as well as other preventive courses such as fumigation (Dhupana) has been recommended by the Ministry.
Recommendations related to mental health and measures to increase mental strength (satvabala) are also part of the document which were not in the previous guidelines or advisories issued by the Ministry of AYUSH.
