Ministers will be able to leave UP only after taking leave from Yogi: CM handed over 100 days agenda to ministers; Ban on buying new car, furniture

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  • CM Yogi handed over 100 days agenda, government and party will have to give information on going out of UP, new car will not be bought ..

Lucknow3 hours ago

After taking oath on March 25, CM Yogi Adityanath is taking quick decisions. After the formation of the government and the division of departments, now the eyes are on the work of the ministers.

Whatever indications his smile may have given in the assembly yesterday, his decisions are telling that the path of ministers will be difficult this time. Yogi’s decision came yesterday that ministers will not be allowed to keep old staff. They will also not be able to hire personal staff of their choice.

In order to maintain his USP of zero tolerance and transparent government on corruption in this government as well, the CM took three tough decisions today.

Target given to ministers
CM Yogi has given a target of 100 days to all the newly-elected ministers of the UP government. All ministers will have to review their respective departments within 100 days. Based on this review, a master plan will have to be prepared after preparing the work plan.

Departmental presentations before the cabinet will be made by the concerned minister only. The Departmental Additional Chief Secretary/Principal Secretary will be there only to assist. Also, the secretary or lower level officials will not brief the CM.

Ministers will have to tell CM Yogi in their report what they will do in the next 100 days. What’s new in the department? Along with this, the work of digitization is also to be taken forward in the department.

In the first government, CM Yogi himself had a continuous review meeting of all the departments. In that meeting also departmental ministers were involved along with the officers of the department. This time departmental ministers will have to review with their officers.

Cabinet ministers Swatantra Dev Singh and Surya Pratap Shahi attend the cabinet meeting.

Cabinet ministers Swatantra Dev Singh and Surya Pratap Shahi attend the cabinet meeting.

Will have to give information about going out of UP
If any minister of the Yogi cabinet is going out of UP, then he will have to inform both the CM and the party. The CM has issued this instruction to prevent unnecessary visits of ministers and unnecessary rounds of big leaders in Delhi.

Now any minister of UP government goes out of UP for any work, then he will have to tell why he is going. Whether the tour is government or personal, it is mandatory to give information.

Without informing the minister will not be able to go out. This instruction has been given to avoid misuse of government funds and any kind of controversy.

CM Yogi Adityanath greets SP national president Akhilesh Yadav with folded hands in the assembly.

CM Yogi Adityanath greets SP national president Akhilesh Yadav with folded hands in the assembly.

put a stop to extravagance
CM Yogi has given instructions to take strict steps to stop wasteful expenditure. The state property department is preparing new bungalows for the ministers of the Yogi government. The government has given instructions that there is no need to spend much money on furnishings in the bungalows. No need to replace furniture.

Ministers who already have housing do not need a new change. Not only this, new vehicles will not be bought for the ministers. There will be no purchase of new furniture along with big luxury vehicles and new furnishings in the house and office. This will prevent wasteful spending.

CM Yogi Adityanath congratulating Satish Mahana on being unanimously elected Speaker of the Assembly.

CM Yogi Adityanath congratulating Satish Mahana on being unanimously elected Speaker of the Assembly.

CM’s eyes on officers as well as ministers
In the previous government, questions were raised about bureaucracy. CM Yogi is very serious about this this time. It is reported that after the ministers, now instructions will also be issued regarding the officers. At present, there is a massive transfer of officers. After the transfer, the CM can also issue instructions regarding the officers assuming the responsibility.

CM Yogi reviewed the meeting with the team
Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath held a meeting with officials in Lucknow on Wednesday regarding the corona virus. Giving instructions in the meeting, he said that it is necessary to follow the corona protocol at all costs.

He told the officers that the state government is making efforts to provide fire tender facility in all the tehsils. Work is being done rapidly in this direction. In case of fire in rural areas, maximum response time of 15 minutes and in urban areas maximum 7 minutes should be ensured. in order to minimize losses.

Help in 7 minutes in case of fire: In the meeting of Team-9, CM Yogi said – the system of fire safety should be reviewed, where there is a disturbance, improve itn

Jal Shakti Minister Swatantra Dev did departmental review

  1. After the formation of the new government in Uttar Pradesh and the CM’s target of 100 days, now the ministers are also in action. Today Jal Shakti Minister Swatantra Dev Singh reached the Irrigation Department in Lucknow for the first time after getting the charge. Swatantra Dev Singh was accompanied by Minister of State Ramkesh Nishad. Both the ministers held a meeting with the officials and reviewed the department on the instructions of the CM.

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