Milind Soman’s wife Ankita Konwar is a victim of Northeast Indian troubled by racial remarks

Weightlifter Mirabai Chanu became a household name after winning silver medal Tokyo Olympics Under 49kg category. Acclaimed from across the country, politicians and celebrities lauded Chanu for her remarkable achievement. Commenting on the racism of the people of Northeast India and the silver medal won by Chanu, fitness enthusiast Ankita Konwar had called the hypocrites of the society. Although one of the Twitter users who referred to Ankita as ‘Mrs Milind Soman’ criticized her for her ‘negative attitude’, the fitness diva corrected her.

Ankita wrote in a tweet that a person living in Northeast India can become an Indian only if he wins a medal for the country. He further highlighted the various names that are used to refer to him, including ‘Chinki’, ‘Chinese’, ‘Nepali’ or ‘Corona’. “India is not only affected by casteism but also by racism. Speaking from my experience,” she added.

The tweet received various reactions from his followers and most of them agreed with him. One user wrote that he is ashamed that discrimination is part of his culture. Ankita replied, “Feeling it really covers the basics.” Calling it a sad truth of India, another user blamed the education system as according to them it failed to present the seven sisters and their culture with the rest of India.

However, one user was extremely disappointed with Ankita’s tweet. The person wrote, “Very negative approach, not least expected from Mrs Milind.” The fitness enthusiast gave a befitting reply to the user. He wrote, “I am Ankita Konwar.”

Some users also pointed out that there are many people in the northeastern states who face the same issue of racism and racism. Tagging Milind Soman, he asked him to speak on his wife’s ‘negative statement’. However, Milind has not given any reaction on this issue.

In 2018, Ankita tied the knot with supermodel and heartthrob Milind Soman in Mumbai.

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