MH: Delta variant is more prominent than Omicron during third wave – know the numbers here

Maharashtra Corona News: Mumbai is currently witnessing a decline in the daily Covid-19 caseload. On the other hand, in the third wave, the new form of corona, Omicron, still remains a matter of concern. However, Maharashtra health officials have said that the state is still reporting the highest number of cases of the delta variant.

A senior health department official said genome sequencing of patient samples showed that people are mostly infected with the delta variant.

Additional Chief Secretary, Health, Dr. Pradeep Vyas, in a letter to his colleagues on Wednesday, said that more than 4,200 samples were tested, out of which 68 per cent were found to be infected with the delta variant, while 32 per cent were found in the samples. Be infected with Omicron.

It is worth noting that last year the second wave in the country was due to the delta variant and it caused huge destruction during that time.

The Omicron variant was first detected in South Africa in November 2021 and started spreading in India from the first week of December.

As of Friday night, 1,605 cases of Omicron were confirmed in Maharashtra, while 71,24,278 people have been infected with Kovid-19 in the state so far.

Dr. Vyas wrote in the letter, “Since November 1 last year, samples of 4,265 patients have been sent for genome sequencing. Out of these, reports of 4,201 samples have been released. This shows that 1,367 samples or 32 percent have omicrons.” The variant showed up, while the remaining 68 percent had the delta variant.

Corona cases in the state

On Friday, 43,211 new cases of corona were reported in Maharashtra, while 33,356 were cured and 19 recovered from the virus. The active cases in the state are 2,61,658.

Meanwhile, 238 cases of Omicron infection were reported in the state till Friday. Total 1,605 omicron So far cases have been reported in Maharashtra.
