Meet Vrajesh Chetan Shah Who Scored 86.83% In Class 12 Exams Despite Partial Blindness

Vrajesh's school also stood by him during the exams by providing him extra help like extra time, A3 size sheets etc.

Vrajesh’s school also stood by him during the exams by providing him extra help like extra time, A3 size sheets etc.

Vrajesh’s mother is the biggest support in his successful journey.

Vrajesh Chetan Shah, who has lost 75% of his vision, has given his Maharashtra Board Class 12 exams. Despite this adversity, Vrajesh not only managed to clear his exams but also achieved excellent results, scoring over 86%.

Vrajesh told the media that he prefers to write independently instead of seeking help. He gets satisfaction from his own writing. Vrajesh has secured an impressive score of 86.83% in his HSC examinations conducted at MCC College in Matunga.

Vrajesh gets question papers with enlarged letters, a practice she has also implemented in her textbooks to help her read. He started his studies in May 2022, in which his mother asked theoretical questions and he answered them. His father, an accounts manager, helped him solve accounting problems. Ultimately, Vrajesh found the exams only moderately challenging.

After practicing this method for years, he has become used to it. Another inspirational student, Nasra Rizwan also overcame her challenges and performed well in the exam. Despite having cerebral palsy, Nasrah scored 54.33% in class 12th. It may be noted that the Maharashtra Board had recently declared the class 12 results with a pass percentage of 93.73%. Candidates can check their result through official portal.

Vrajesh’s remarkable achievement can be largely attributed to the constant support of his mother throughout his life. During her early years, she would reach her school an hour earlier, at 5 pm, to write all her notes. She rewrote them in a larger font so that he could read them comfortably. This process continued till 10th class. Vrajesh’s school also provided unwavering support, giving him extra time during exams and providing A3-sized papers. He has consistently excelled academically and will now be pursuing his Chartered Accountancy (CA).

In another case, Deepali Mulay, daughter of farmers, scored an impressive 81% in her exams despite suffering from retinal detachment. She postponed the critical surgery until after completing her exams.