Meet Aakash Yadav, the force behind promising business ventures

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oi-Oneindia Staff


Published: Friday, February 25, 2022, 13:50 [IST]

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The role of startups in a developing country is undeniably vital. The process of creating new products, new ideas to combine resources, reduce manpower, cost and time are nothing but ways to improve one’s standard of living. Additionally, it also leads to creating new job opportunities for the masses thereby helping with the nation’s economic development. With the increase in the use of the internet, people from all around the world are now gaining easy access to education and coming up with new entrepreneurship projects.

Meet Aakash Yadav, the force behind promising business ventures

At times like these proper funding is needed to execute the idea and make sure it gets finished neatly before entering the market. Investors like Aakash Yadav are the leading force behind the successful execution of new products. Aakash is a 25-year-old self-made multi-millionaire that invests in promising startups worldwide via his incubator fund, Startup Studio. Aakash’s company provides a platform for budding entrepreneurs to materialize their ideas effectively by helping them out with investment, resources, infrastructure and intelligence. Startup Studio has to date built and invested in over a hundred startups that have proven out to be successful by garnering a combined market cap in excess of a billion dollars.

Among his many other business ventures, there are thriving liquor businesses through which he has already introduced his own brand of wine to the Indian market, by the name of Adira. He also actively invests in pharmaceutical manufacturing and real estate. Witly is an investment of his that is designed to automate the process of sales in real estate from the point of first inquiry to closing the deal. Apart from that, he is the chief investor and advisor to OneTo11, a play to earn gaming ecosystem that implements blockchain smoothly to grow into a gaming metaverse. Recently Aakash has invested in Kaalzua, a brand that started out amidst the pandemic with the aim to digitally create products in the shortest time span in order to maintain the commercial and environmental sustainability. Wiwigo, another one of his businesses is an intercity taxi booking application that allows people to book empty seats in a taxi whenever needed to travel intercity thereby reducing the overall costs significantly. He has also invested in Nebula which is a music crowd sharing platform that is introduced with the aim to decentralize power vested in the hands of major labels and transfer it into the hands of music creators and listeners.

In this context Aakash comments, “Actively investing in premature but promising ideas is relatively newer. Many startup incubator funds have acted as growth drivers for great ideas which lacked only support and direction. I aim to build the state-of-the-art startup incubator which runs globally digging out talent from the farthest of regions and making sure they not only see the light of the day but are executed to the best of human ability. India and then the world over.”

Story first published: Friday, February 25, 2022, 13:50 [IST]