mcg: Rwas Seek Monthly Meetings With Mcg | Gurgaon News – Times of India

Gurgaon: Representatives of various RWAs met MCG commissioner Mukesh Ahuja on Friday and demanded that the civic body should hold a meeting every month with the United Gurugram RWAs, an umbrella body of over 100 residents’ bodies.
At the meeting, the RWA representatives also raised the issue of pending payments for the upkeep of parks and community centers and demanded that the maintenance should be handed back to the respective RWAs from the ward committees. “For better coordination and effective implementation of development work on the ground, we want regular meetings to be held between RWA members and the MCG commissioner,” said Praveen YadavRWA president of Ardee City.
When contacted, the MCG chief said, “We will meet RWAs on the third Tuesday of every month.”
