Maths Anxiety Is Real! Here Is How You Can Help Your Child Cope: Study

From 15 March, more than one million young Australians will sit the NAPLAN numeracy test. For most students, this will be a regular part of the school day (albeit less fun than running around at recess or lunch). But for others, the prospect of taking a math test will be downright terrifying. These students may be suffering from math anxiety. We are educationists in mathematics education. Here’s how to help if your child is experiencing math anxiety.

What is math anxiety?

Math anxiety is a feeling of tension and worry that hinders a person’s ability to solve mathematical problems. Researchers consider math anxiety to be different from general anxiety, or test anxiety, although there is some crossover. Math anxiety usually develops as a result of poor experiences with math, which leads to negative thought patterns about your math ability. These thoughts may manifest in avoidance of math and feelings of helplessness when faced with exams.

Maths anxiety is a common problem for many young people and adults and can be seen in children as young as five. As of 2012, up to 50 percent of adults had math anxiety, according to Stanford University math education professor Joe Boller. The Victorian Department of Education suggests rates are lower, between six and 17 per cent. However, the average rate in academic studies is around 20 percent.

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This means thousands of children will be dreading the upcoming NAPLAN numeracy test. So, what can parents do to help their anxious child get the best of the NAPLAN numeracy test and other maths tests?

Here are three practical things you can do now and in the future:

Focus on successes to build confidence

Most kids want to be good at math. If they are younger, they will understand that this is something that their teachers and parents think is important. If they’re older, they’ll know it’s important for future jobs and careers.

One of the major sources of math anxiety is the frequent negative feedback students receive about their ability, despite wanting to be good at math. This can be simply through comparing oneself to others or more formally through poor results.

To reduce anxiety, it is important to focus on the positive, show your child times when he has achieved math success. Success experiences are important to pave the way for further success in mathematics.

A practical way to demonstrate success is to give the child an old worksheet, even if it is from two years ago. Students in Year 5 and above can take the previous NAPLAN test at the lower level. This lets them know how much progress they have made.

After completing the sheet, focus on areas of strength, like, you did all the long division right!? To help build confidence. This experience of success can be used as a base to tackle more complex tasks.

Avoid ‘Naplan Overload’

An over-emphasis on its importance in the build-up to NAPLAN and any other assessment may raise concerns. A more constructive approach is to reassure your child that there is no judgment of how they perform.

Currently, most schools are working hard to prepare students for NAPLAN, and discussions about the test are taking place regularly. Because of this, it can be easy for children with maths anxiety to become NAPLAN overloaded. At home, it is useful to limit your discussion of upcoming exams to the time when the child is working to prepare for it.

We recommend trying to make the day exciting rather than dreadful. For example, you can have a special NAPLAN breakfast on the day of the test.

work with your child

During Covid, many families felt the strain of having to play a hands-on role in their children’s education (who didn’t take kindly to the mother or father suddenly becoming their teacher). So parents may be tempted to leave their children alone to study or do homework. But this will not help to overcome math anxiety.

A more beneficial way for parents to study with younger children and show interest in the work older children are completing. Teens may not be open to help when you first offer it, but make it clear that you are there if they need you and that you are not trying to judge them. This approach shows the child that their parent is engaged with their work and is positive about their ability to learn.

It cannot be underestimated how much a parent’s attitude towards learning maths affects their child’s attitude. Try and have positive conversations with your child about maths and how we use it every day. This can help to overcome negative attitudes, such as children thinking, ‘This is too hard and this is something I need to do at school.’

You may want to use maths to work through ‘best buys’ at the supermarket or use length and area to determine how to arrange the furniture in a room. As test day approaches, families need not worry about NAPLAN. Preparation focused on celebrating successes and positive experiences can only encourage students to do their best.