Marathi actor Umesh Kamat takes legal route to link Raj Kundra case

Umesh Kamat, Raj Kundra

Marathi actor Umesh Kamat takes legal route to link Raj Kundra case

Actor Umesh Kamat, who has featured in shows like “Assambhav” and “Ek Lagnachi Teesri Gostha”, has given a statement saying that he has been unnecessarily dragged into the controversy with businessman Raj Kundra. He said, “I, Umesh Kamat being an actor by profession, I have been unnecessarily dragged into controversy related to businessman Raj Kundra, because of lack of due diligence by news channels/media platforms.”

“Mr. Raj Kundra and his associate Mr. Umesh Kamat, who incidentally share my name, have been accused of allegedly creating and creating obscene material. While this news is being reported by various news channels/ media platforms My name and image is getting tarnished by major media platforms/portals as my photographs/photographs which are available in public domain are being misused by representing me as accused involved in Raj Kundra case.”

The actor continued: “These acts on the part of news channels/media platforms are completely irresponsible and without any kind of basic verification of facts.”

“This irresponsible action of circulating my photographs and linking my name with the Raj Kundra case on various media platforms has caused tremendous humiliation, unwanted speculation and anguish to me and my family. These actions have resulted in serious damage to my reputation. and amount to defamation.”

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Umesh clarified that he has no relation with Raj Kundra and the actor has just a common name.

“In the light of the above and to avoid further damage to my reputation, I would like to clarify that I am not Umesh Kamat, possibly an associate of Shri Raj Kundra in the creation/construction of obscene material.”

“We only have one common name.”

He added: “I, Umesh Kamat, have been in the industry for over two decades, all these years with an impeccable reputation and no connection to Mr. Raj Kundra’s case.”

“Since the respective news channels/media platforms have failed to follow the basic protocol of conducting a fact check on the information being broadcast and used in their news, I have decided to take appropriate legal action against all the responsible entities. has done.”

Umesh also appealed to everyone not to use their photographs or names in connection with the matter.

He said: “I would also like to appeal to all the members of the media fraternity covering Mr Raj Kundra’s case not to use my pictures or name from a person named Umesh Kamat involved in the Raj Kundra case.

“It is my humble request to the media that proper verification of facts be done before airing or publishing any material relating to the case of Shri Raj Kundra, which contains the name ‘Umesh Kamat’ failing which I shall be compelled to . To take necessary legal action against the people concerned also.”

The actor concluded: “The linkup to this controversy has cost me a heavy price due to the co-occurrence and irresponsible journalism of a shared name with Raj Kundra’s colleague. I hope no other actor, celebrity or common man Will have to go through this test sometime again.”

Read also: Raj Kundra obscenity case: Employees involved in distribution of 90 adult films


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