Mantra For Healthy Ageing: Expert Shares Essential Foods For A Balanced Diet

Eating healthy is challenging in our fast paced society. An increased preference for convenience foods and packaged foods, combined with stress and environmental pollution, makes people more vulnerable to health problems. This is where clean eating and fresh food comes in handy.

While we cannot control the environmental pollutants we are exposed to, we certainly can adopt a healthy diet. As more people become aware of this, Dr. Irfan Sheikh, head of medical and scientific affairs at Abbott’s nutrition business, highlights the strong and healthy foods that comprise a balanced diet, as well as some of the activities you can do right. Can do for ages from.

start out young

As teens grow, three essential systems in their bodies undergo changes in long bones, hormonal maturation, and blood and immunity as well as muscle mass. You need the right nutrients to make sure these areas develop properly.

Bone development: Most people think of adequate protein and calcium when they think of bone development, but vitamin D, magnesium, phosphorus, vitamin K, collagen and essential fatty acids are also essential for bone health and turnover. Consumption of these nutrients may help reduce bone fracture risk for teens. Fish, egg, chickpea curry, mixed vegetable curry, dal tadka and even some chutneys like flaxseed chutney are rich in these nutrients.

Blood: Iron, vitamin B-12 and folate are essential for the formation of healthy red blood cells. Without enough iron, teens are unable to produce the red blood cells needed to carry oxygen throughout the body. Spinach dishes such as palak paneer, palak rice palak dal, dal soup, methi paratha, and beetroot poriyal are some of the dishes that are rich in these nutrients.

Hormonal Maturation: Balanced diet, adequate protein, high fiber, stress free living, regular exercise, weight control and good sleep are important for successful transition of hormonal foundation during formative years.

Also read: Cutting vegetables on board can lead to heart disease, reveals study

Preventive Care in the 30s and 40s

People in their 30s and 40s should focus on preventive care, especially when it comes to their hearts.

Cholesterol: To lower cholesterol, eat plenty of vegetables, fruits, whole grains, protein-rich foods (especially fish and seafood), legumes (such as beans and lentils), nuts, and seeds.

Tension: Career, income, and family responsibilities create many possibilities for experiencing stress. Regular exercise and coping abilities to handle stressful situations are important for protecting your health and your mind. Some of the best ways to deal with stress are exercise, yoga, journaling, and meditation.

blood pressure: Many people are unaware that they have high blood pressure because there are no symptoms, and the only way to find out is to get tested. It is important to reduce your sodium and tea or caffeine intake to control high blood pressure, in addition, it is important to stay active and reduce the fat around the waist.

importance of prioritizing

What we eat can affect our health as we age, so it’s important to put some thought into what we eat and drink. Some of the key ingredients for healthy aging in the future are:

Protein: It’s essential at every age, whether you want to build muscle, maintain strength or recuperate from surgery. Protein can be found in meats, beans, dairy products, fish, nuts, seeds and cheese, and can be served in various curry preparations.

Fiber Content: Eating foods like fruits, vegetables, beans, and whole grains can help lower cholesterol and manage body weight, just by keeping you full. Chana, masala, brinjal bharta and oats upma are some of the ways in which you can add fiber to your diet.

Calcium: As we age, our bones lose some of their calcium and mass, which increases the risk of fractures and weak bones. Consumption of milk, curd and paneer is a good source of calcium intake. Ragi dosa, til chutney and paneer masala are some of the Indian dishes that are rich in protein due to their ingredients.

vitamin D: It is important for healthy bones and is the only one that can be synthesized when the skin is exposed to sunlight. It can be found in fatty fish, eggs and vitamin D-fortified dairy products.

Nutritional Supplements: A regular, balanced diet is important for meeting daily nutritional requirements and building strong muscles as you age. However, while we recognize that muscle does matter and eat accordingly, some nutritional gaps may exist. To fill these gaps, may include a balanced nutritional supplement such as Ensure HMB which is a science-based nutritional formulation formulated with 32 vital nutrients and a special ingredient – ​​HMB or ß-hydroxy-ß-methyl butyrate Supplement – which helps to counteract muscle loss and restore strength and energy.

Every person passes through many stages in his life and health should be kept at the top at every step. By embracing your cultural cuisine, which is prepared through locally sourced and organically sourced foods, you can stay healthy as you age.