‘Manna Padega…’: BJP Leader Temjen Imna Along Praises Rahul Gandhi’s London Photo

New DelhiNagaland minister Temjen Imna Along commented on a post by the official handle of the Congress amid a spat between the Congress and the BJP over Rahul Gandhi’s comments in London. ‘Stand up for what you believe in, even if it means you stand alone’ – says the picture of Rahul Gandhi in the post. Rahul Gandhi is seen in a suit with his hands in his pockets as he smiles for a photograph while participating in an interactive session at Chatham House in London.

“Have to admit the photo is good. The confidence and posture are next level.” Temjen is known for his witty style on social media. Many social media users found it funny when the BJP leader made a comment about Rahul Gandhi which was not objectionable.

Rahul Gandhi’s visit to the United Kingdom has sparked controversy, with the BJP accusing the Congress leader of insulting India and democracy on a foreign land. Rahul Gandhi spoke on India, RSS, India-China dispute and other topics during his remarks in London.

The Congress said that the BJP distorted and maligned Rahul Gandhi’s words about India’s democracy, parliament and judiciary.

Responding to Rahul Gandhi’s claim that microphones of opposition leaders in Parliament are switched off, the BJP cited Rahul Gandhi’s Parliament attendance data to claim that his attendance is much lower than the national and Kerala average.

A controversy has erupted after Rahul Gandhi compared the RSS with the Muslim Brotherhood. Union Minister Anurag Thakur said that Rahul Gandhi visits RSS camps to understand the organization better.