‘Mane Mana Bheti’: This MLA Visits Every House in His Constituency in Bengaluru Just to Say ‘Hello’

Last Update: January 15, 2023, at 12:43 pm

BJP MLA Suresh Kumar S and his team will start the day at 7 am and take a break around 10.30 am when everyone is busy going to school, college and work.  Then, they would resume their program at 4.30 pm and continue till 9 pm.  (Photo: Facebook)

BJP MLA Suresh Kumar S and his team will start the day at 7 am and take a break around 10.30 am when everyone is busy going to school, college and work. Then, they would resume their program at 4.30 pm and continue till 9 pm. (Photo: Facebook)

Rajajinagar MLA Suresh Kumar S in Bengaluru started the ‘Mane Mana Bheti’ program late last June to reach out to every person in his constituency. His team has set a target of visiting 1500 houses in two months. But covered the numbers till August itself, said the former minister

“It was a very small house in a narrow lane of a slum. I felt sorry for the prisoners as soon as I entered the house. I asked, how many children live in this house? He said, ‘Three girls’. I felt terrible thinking about their plight because privacy or a nice washroom certainly seemed like a luxury out there. What do you do? I asked the eldest daughter. ‘I have completed M.Tech, sir,’ she said! The second daughter was preparing for CA final and the third was pursuing B.Com. I was happy!”

“We went to another house. This was probably the most beautiful house I have ever lived in. I fell in love with the house itself! There lives a very old couple. They have grown children, all well educated and settled in different countries. But here I was speechless as to how their evenings would be. He was clearly not smiling.

Suresh Kumar S, former minister and current BJP MLA from Rajajinagar constituency in Bengaluru, said these two incidents happened in the last few months.

With the Karnataka assembly elections due this year, Kumar launched the ‘Mane Mana Bheti’ campaign late last June to reach out to every person in his constituency. His team had set a target of visiting 1500 houses in just two months. “But we visited 1,500 houses till August itself,” said the former minister.

He used to start the day at 7 in the morning and take leave at around 10.30 when everyone was busy going to school, college and their workplace. After this, we will start our program again around 4.30 pm and will continue till 9 pm. “This motivated our party workers to visit more homes,” Kumar said.

The MLA said life now seems “different” and “very up close and personal” because of the visits. “We have visited homes of people from all social strata, irrespective of which political party they favor. From a daily wage laborer to a top scientist, we have met them all. But, it is not over yet,” said Kumar.

The MLA said with full confidence that not a single engineering degree holder is unemployed in the areas he visited. For those from other educational backgrounds who were trying to find jobs, help was provided wherever possible.

“This is not a political exercise; This is what I am doing with all my heart as the representative of Rajajinagar constituency. Also, our party workers are understanding the challenges of serving the people, how to identify the needs and what are the ways to help and strengthen them. A good life lesson indeed,” Suresh Kumar S told News18.com.

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