‘Man set fire to MLA’s car for campaigning’. Vadodara News – Times of India

Vadodara: The person who appointed the former Minister of State for Narmada and Urban Housing, Yogesh PatelThe fire in his car wanted to become famous and get publicity. The criminal has been revealed in the police investigation of the incident. Mohd Anees DaruwalaThe 45-year-old wanted to set the vehicles of celebrities in the city on fire for his devious plans.
“Daruwala first admitted to setting two cars on fire, but this time he had something else on his mind. He wanted to target the vehicle of some famous personality as it would bring him into the limelight immediately. Daruwala said it would have made him famous,” an investigating officer of the crime branch told TOI.
“The accused claimed that he wanted to become a well-known face so that he could easily enter any political party. But we’re verifying his anecdotal claims because he also seems cynical. One of the focus of the investigation will also be to find out whether anyone else is involved in the incident,” the official said.
Daruwala, Resident Mughalwada, was married but his wife had left him sometime back. Even his own family members do not like him. Three days ago, he had stolen a motorcycle parked in his area and reached Jubileebagh where BJP MLA Yogesh Patel’s car was parked. CCTV footage showed that he went behind the car late in the night and set it on fire.
The accused rode back to Mogulwada on a bike, made him stand at the same place and went to have tea. Initially it was believed that a short circuit could have caused the car to catch fire, but when the police checked the CCTV footage of the area, they came to know about the arson. Daruwala had torched two cars in December last year due to personal enmity.
Police said he was also booked under the Gambling and Arms Act and his neighbors claimed that he often gets into disputes.
