Man Crushed To Loss of life With Iron Rods, Sticks | Kanpur Information – Instances of India

Kanpur: A 35-year-old-man, resident of Kantha village of Asoha space of Unnao district, was crushed to loss of life with iron rods and sticks on Saturday evening
The daddy of the deceased has lodged a criticism towards three identified and one unknown individuals of the village. Police have registered an FIR and initiated investigations.
A 35-year-old man Guddu Lodh, son of Ram Kumar, a resident of Kantha, used to work as a scrap vendor in Delhi. He had come to the village every week in the past to sow paddy crops. “Late Saturday evening, whereas he was going to buy diesel to function a water pump to irrigate the sphere, on the way in which he was waylaid by a bunch of males who attacked him with iron rods and sticks and killed him and fled from the spot,” the police stated.
The members of the family rushed Guddu to CHC in Asoha the place docs declared him lifeless.
The daddy of the deceased has lodged a criticism towards Santram of the village, his two sons Sandeep, Kuldeep and an unknown particular person.
Police have began questioning by taking Kuldeep into custody.