Make your wardrobe clutter-free with these easy tips

Organizing is a skill that affects everyone but not many. If you have small spaces and many objects, you channel your inner Marie Kondo and develop a sense of aesthetics and calculation. One of the hardest parts is properly organizing the closet. Closet is a space that is used frequently, whether it is for carrying shoes, accessories, clothes and other items. If you find this task quite overwhelming and tiring, then we are here to help you. We have compiled a list of simple tips that will help you organize your wardrobe, make it neat and tidy and you can use each section without any clutter.

  1. Use Sleek Hangers

We all know that hangers are a great way to keep clothes organized and store a lot in a small space. However, people often make the mistake of using thicker hangers that take up too much horizontal space and allow less clothes to be hung in one area. Thin hangers of the same color should be used instead of thick hangers, which are pleasant to look at as well as make room for more objects.

  1. folding technique

Another way to use space wisely is to learn better folding techniques. Just as you pack bags to reduce space, do it in your closet. Roll up T-shirts and store them in a line. You’ll notice that a lot of clothes can be stacked in a compact space without looking too much.

  1. section by use

Use storage baskets and divide clothes according to their use. Partywear should be kept in one basket, winter wear in one and daily wear in the other. This will help you optimize the space as well as create an organized partition for yourself.

  1. hooks for storing accessories

Accessory boxes take up space and can also damage the item if stored randomly. It is better to put hooks at the back of the closet where one can hang chains, earrings, hats, belts and other items.

  1. Use a Foldable Closet Organizer

If you have a small closet, purchase additional foldable closet organizers that can be hung without hanging behind a door or wall. You can store your bags, shoes and other items in it to make the most of the space.

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