Maharashtra crisis: Uddhav camp may seek urgent hearing on petitions before Supreme Court tomorrow

The petitions on the political crisis in Maharashtra by the Uddhav Thackeray camp are likely to be listed for urgent hearing on Monday.

Uddhav camp may demand urgent hearing on petitions before Supreme Court tomorrow

Uddhav Thackeray (Photo: File)

The Uddhav Thackeray faction is likely to mention the arguments on the political crisis in Maharashtra before the Supreme Court and seek an urgent hearing on the matter tomorrow.

Till late tonight, the petitions related to the Maharashtra crisis were not mentioned in the list of hearings of the apex court even though the petitions are to be heard tomorrow.

If the matters are not listed for urgent hearing, Congress leader and senior advocate Kapil Sibal will request an early hearing on Monday.

Sources have claimed that Kapil Sibal will request the Supreme Court to hear the matter urgently on Monday. Registry sources indicated that the approval of the Chief Justice of India (CJI) on these matters is pending.

One state which has served the interest of the entire nation in the last one month is Maharashtra State, due to which the country and its politics are not at all different.

Read also| Maharashtra’s political saga will play in Supreme Court next week

The Supreme Court will hear a petition filed by the Thackeray-led Shiv Sena faction opposing the governor’s decision to invite the rebel MLAs to form the government in the state. The bench will hear the issues of trust vote, appointment of Chief Whip in the Assembly by the newly-elected Speaker and disqualification petitions against 16 rebel Shiv Sena MLAs.

However, the resignation of Uddhav Thackeray as Maharashtra chief minister and Eknath Shinde taking over as chief minister may not be the end of the political crisis that unfolded in the state of Maharashtra last month.

It remains to be seen whether the Uddhav Thackeray faction can still win back the government through Supreme Court proceedings. With at least four separate petitions still pending in the apex court, all eyes are on what the Supreme Court will do in the matter. All these matters were directed to be listed by holiday benches of the court on July 11, which is the first day after the Supreme Court reopened after its summer vacations.

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