Mahant Narendra Giri absorbed in Mahasamadhi: Balveer, the successor declared in the suicide note, conducted the final process, the post-mortem report revealed the matter of hanging

Prayagraj3 minutes ago

  • Policemen posted in Mahant’s security removed, order for departmental inquiry

Mahant Narendra Giri has been given a mausoleum at the Baghmari Math. With this the Mahant has become absorbed in Brahman. The final process was done by Balveer, the successor declared in Narendra Giri’s suicide note. Prior to this, the nature of his body was done by 5 doctors at Rani Nehru Hospital. Now the post-mortem report will be sent to the CM in a closed envelope. In the initial report, the matter of hanging has come to the fore.

After the post-mortem, the body of the Mahant was taken to the city of Prayagraj and bathed in the Ganges at the Sangam. Then the body was taken to the Hanuman temple lying down. Narendra Giri was the Mahant of this temple. And once every day he used to go from the monastery to the temple. After this, the final stage of the process of giving land to the Mahant was started in the Baghambari Math itself. During this Vedic chanting and Shiva proclamation were done. Soil was poured with the flower. During this, sages and saints of 13 akhadas were present. Finally the process of purification started.

In the final process 16 things including one quintal flower, one quintal milk, one quintal punch, dry fruits, butter were put in the samadhi. The final process was also covered with a screen for some time. The media was kept away from it. The saints told that this is a secret process, so it was done.


  • According to Hari Giri, the International General Secretary of the Akhara Parishad, a seven-day mourning has been declared in the Akharas on the death of Mahant Narendra Giri.
  • Shodashi Bhandara will be held around 5th. Before that, a secret team of Akhara Parishad will also conduct an internal inquiry into the death of Mahant Narendra Giri. After Shodashi Bhandara, there will be a discussion about the new president of the Akhara Parishad.
  • The mortal remains of Mahant Narendra Giri have been brought to the Baghambari Math and are now being given Bhoomi Samadhi. Mantras have started and a large number of sages and saints are present here. Sadhus from different akhadas and monasteries have reached here.
  • Balbir Giri is doing the work of giving land to Mahant Narendra Giri in Baghambari Math. Narendra Giri has described him as his successor in his alleged suicide note.
  • After the Sangam bath, the last journey of Mahant Narendra Giri has now left for the Lete Hanuman temple.
  • In the last four years, 24 sadhus have been murdered or suspected to have died in UP.
  • The policemen deployed in the security of Mahant Narendra Giri were removed. A departmental inquiry was ordered. According to the rules, a policeman should have stayed outside his room even while the Mahant was sleeping. Negligence in duty is considered. Action will be taken after the inquiry report is received.
  • The body of Mahant Narendra Giri has reached the confluence of Prayagraj. UP Deputy CM Keshav Maurya is also present in the last visit. Regarding the investigation into the death of Narendra Giri, Keshav Maurya has said that the SIT is investigating this entire matter.
Preparation for the burial.

Preparation for the burial.

Photo of the final process.

Photo of the final process.

  • Keshav said – I understand that as a responsible person of the government, we should not make any statement on this. So that any person feels any kind of pressure regarding the investigation.
  • In the initial post-mortem report, there is talk of hanging. However, the police say that no post-mortem report has been issued yet and no official statement has been issued.
  • Till yesterday, Balveer, who was calling himself the next heir to the throne, has now reversed his statement. Now they say that who will be the successor, this decision will be taken by Panchparameshwar. Earlier, Balveer was saying that the writing of Guruji Narendra Giri is in the suicide letter. Now saying that I do not recognize his writing.
  • In view of the crowd gathered for the last darshan of the Mahant, all the schools and colleges of the urban area in Prayagraj up to class 12 have been declared holiday. On the other hand, Anand Giri has been questioned for 12 hours by ADG to DIG and other officers. A suicide note was also shown to Anand.
Last journey reached on the banks of Sangam.

Last journey reached on the banks of Sangam.

  • Mahamandaleshwar Kailashanandji Maharaj of Niranjani Akhara, Acharya Balkanand Ji Maharaj, Secretary of Niranjani Akhara, Ravindra Ji Maharaj etc. saints and saints have reached the Math.
  • Ram Vilas Das, a former MP associated with the Ram temple movement, has reached Vedanti Baghambari Math. Sadhvi Niranjan Jyoti has also reached.
  • Excavation work is going on at the tomb site. 100 quintals of flowers have been ordered for the last journey.
  • Arrested Anand Giri, Aadhya Tiwari will be produced in the court today. The police will also file an application for remand.
The monks and saints involved in the last journey.

The monks and saints involved in the last journey.

Tight security arrangements are in place outside the post-mortem house.

Tight security arrangements are in place outside the post-mortem house.

Such is the tradition of land tomb
According to the sage tradition, he would first be bathed in the Sangam. After this new clothes will be put on. Just as a saint is adorned, in the same way he will be adorned. Flowers will be garlanded. Dakshina will be given to him by his disciples and followers.

Only after that he will be given samadhi according to the duly saint tradition. From the very next day after giving the samadhi, incense lamps and bhog will be offered to them at both the times. After the completion of one year, Shivling will be installed over the samadhi, on which Jalabhishek will be done in the morning and evening and incense, lamp and incense sticks and worship will be done.

Mahant Narendra Giri was found hanging from the noose in the Baghambri Gaddi Math in Prayagraj.  He will be buried in the monastery itself.

Mahant Narendra Giri was found hanging from the noose in the Baghambri Gaddi Math in Prayagraj. He will be buried in the monastery itself.

expressed the desire to build a tomb under a lemon tree
Mahant Narendra Giri’s last wish was that his samadhi be placed near a lemon tree in the Baghambari Math. He has also written this thing in his suicide note. On September 20, the body of Mahant Narendra was found hanging from a noose in the room of the Math. A multiple-page testamentary suicide note was found near the body.

Mahant Narendra Giri was going to commit suicide on 13th September too, but could not muster the courage.  He has also mentioned this in his suicide note.

Mahant Narendra Giri was going to commit suicide on 13th September too, but could not muster the courage. He has also mentioned this in his suicide note.

The mystery of death is still entangled
The mystery of the death of Mahant Narendra Giri is still entangled. A case of abetment to suicide has been filed against Swami Anand Giri on behalf of Amar Giri Pawan Maharaj, the administrator of Lete Hanuman temple. Six people, including Swami Anand Giri, have been arrested in this case and the investigation has been handed over to the 18-member SIT.

Police is interrogating Swami Anand Giri at Prayagraj Police Lines. Police officials say that the matter is being thoroughly investigated. He also said that the cause of death of Mahant would be clear from the post-mortem report.

On Tuesday, the mortal remains of the Mahant were kept at the Baghambari Math for the last darshan.

On Tuesday, the mortal remains of the Mahant were kept at the Baghambari Math for the last darshan.

Disciple Anand was dominating the Mahant since 2012
Due to the high profile of the Mahant’s death, no officer of Prayagraj police was ready to say anything openly from Monday evening till late night, but in a suppressed language, the police officers say that in the investigation so far it has come to the fore that Mahant Anand Giri, a disciple of Narendra Giri, had dominated him since 2012. Disputes related to character and properties were the main reason behind this. Mahant and Anand were each other’s kings.

used to threaten
The Mahant had acquired a little more fame in recent years, so he began to fear for his own reputation to Anand’s displeasure. It is also discussed that Anand used to scare him that if he could not become his successor, then he would expose the video related to his character. Narendra Giri has also mentioned a computer-generated photo in the suicide note.

Mahant’s brother-in-law said – used to give knowledge to others, he cannot commit suicide
Mahant Narendra Giri’s sister Urmila Singh and brother-in-law Bhagirathi Singh and other relatives reached Baghambari Math from Paniyari village in Mandhata of Pratapgarh. Sister Urmila Singh told that she never met her brother Narendra Giri after his retirement. At the same time, Mahant’s brother-in-law Bhagirathi Singh said that Mahant used to give knowledge to others, he can never commit suicide.

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