‘Ma Saraswati doesn’t differentiate’: Rahul Gandhi on Karnataka hijab row

Rahul Gandhi, Karnataka hijab row, muslim girl students, congress leader rahul gandhi, hijab karnata

‘Ma Saraswati doesn’t differentiate’: Rahul Gandhi on Karnataka hijab row.


  • Rahul Gandhi comes in support of hijab-wearing students on Feb 5
  • Gandhi said India is robbing daughters’ future by letting hijab come in way of girl education
  • Rahul said goddess Saraswati does not differentiate and gives knowledge to all

Karnataka hijab row: Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Saturday (February 5) said the country is robbing the future of daughters by letting the hijab come in the way of girl education.

Coming out in support of hijab-wearing Muslim girl students not allowed entry in educational institutes in Karnataka, he said the goddess Saraswati does not differentiate and gives knowledge to all.

“By letting students’ hijab come in the way of their education, we are robbing the future of the daughters of India.

“Ma Saraswati gives knowledge to all. She doesn’t differentiate. #SaraswatiPuja,” Gandhi said on Twitter.

Meanwhile, Muslim girl students, who tried to enter a government pre-university college at Kundapur in Karnataka’s Udupi district wearing hijabs (headscarves), were again denied entry to the premises by authorities on Friday, the third day since the issue surfaced in the institution .

The hijab-clad students, who came along with their parents, pushed into the compound gate of the college despite a strict order given by the authorities that wearing hijabs will not be allowed as per the status quo on dress code issued by the state government.

The girls’ parents also protested outside the college gate. When they entered the premises, a few Hindu boy students wearing saffron shawls started roaming around the place as a mark of protest. The boys were soon asked to remove the shawls and attend classes in the college.

ALSO READ: K’taka Hijab row grows as another college denies entry to girls, boys protest in solidarity

ALSO READ: ‘Hijab is part of our life’, says students after govt college in Karnataka’s Udupi denies them entry

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