Love Jihad in Kashmir: Forced conversion of two Sikh girls; One returned, married a Sikh youth with rituals in Srinagar

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  • Forced conversion of two Sikh girls; One returned, married a Sikh youth with rituals in Srinagar

Srinagar/New Delhi25 minutes ago

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When Manmeet Kaur returned, she was married to a Sikh youth in Srinagar.  - Dainik Bhaskar

When Manmeet Kaur returned, she was married to a Sikh youth in Srinagar.

Relief news has come in the case of kidnapping, forced conversion and marriage of two Sikh girls in Kashmir. In this case, a girl Manmeet Kaur has returned home. After returning, she was married to a Sikh youth according to religious rituals.

After marriage, Manmeet reached Delhi with her husband and family members this evening. Shiromani Akali Dal national spokesperson Manjinder Singh Sirsa tweeted that Manmeet Kaur is now back with her family. She is coming to Delhi by this evening.

Manmeet Kaur reached Delhi with her family members.

Manmeet Kaur reached Delhi with her family members.

18-year-old girl married to 62-year-old, anger in Sikh community
The first incident was in Rainawadi, Srinagar, where an 18-year-old Sikh girl was married off to a 62-year-old middle-aged man. This elder was already married and had many children. The girl’s family members say that she was abducted at gunpoint.

The local police assured that the girl would be handed over to the family in 36 hours, but the local court in Srinagar upheld the marriage and allowed the girl to accompany the 62-year-old. The second incident was from Mahjoor Nagar of Srinagar, where another girl was forced to marry. There is no trace of the girl.

Even after return, conversion is a big problem
The Sikh community was continuously protesting in the case of forced conversion of two girls of the Sikh community in Kashmir. Due to this, people of the Sikh community protested from Delhi to Srinagar. It is being told that Manmeet was forcibly converted and married to a middle-aged man. Now the girl has returned but her conversion still remains a problem.

People of the Sikh community protested from Delhi to Srinagar.

People of the Sikh community protested from Delhi to Srinagar.

Other girl’s mental condition is not good
Santpal Singh, president of the Gurdwara Management Committee, Budgam, said that an 18-year-old Sikh girl was lured and implicated and then converted. That girl’s mental condition was not good. He said that this is clearly a case of ‘love jihad’ and the government is not taking any action in this matter. Shiromani Akali Dal leader Manjinder Singh reached Sirsa Srinagar on Sunday morning.

Sirsa said that four Sikh girls were forcibly converted in Srinagar during the last one month. The Sikh brotherhood has been assured by the administration that the girls who have been converted will be returned to the families.

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