Google, Amazon, Microsoft take top spot as India’s most attractive employer brands: Survey

Google, Amazon, Microsoft, India's Most Attractive Employer Brands Google, Amazon
Image Source: GOOGLE

Google, Amazon, Microsoft take top spot as India’s most attractive employer brands: Survey

Technology giant Google India has emerged as the most ‘attractive employer brand’, followed by Amazon India and Microsoft India, a survey said. According to the Randstad Employer Brand Research (REBR) 2021 findings, Google India scored high on financial health, strong reputation and attractive salary and benefits parameters – the top three Employee Value Proposition (EVP) drivers.

Amazon India emerged as the runner-up, followed by Microsoft India.

Infosys Technologies, Tata Steel (5th), Dell Technologies Ltd (6th), IBM (7th), Tata Consultancy Services (8th), Wipro (9th) ranked 4th among top 10 most attractive employer brands in India for 2021 th), included. and Sony (10th).

Furthermore, the findings of this year’s survey reflect a shift in employee sentiment, where work-life balance has taken center stage, making it as important as financial compensation when selecting an employer.

The research captures the views of more than 1,90,000 respondents (the general public, aged 18-65) on 6,493 companies in 34 countries. It provides insight into potential employees’ perceptions and drivers of choice.

Research has shown that even in 2021, work-life balance (65 per cent) outstrips attractive pay and benefits (62 per cent), which is the most important driver for Indian job seekers when choosing an employer.

This is followed by a COVID-19 compliant work environment (61 percent) and job security (61 percent).

“The parameters they (job seekers) consider when choosing an employer are really evolving over the years, especially after the pandemic, so the idea of ​​employer branding itself has gone through a huge change,” Vishwanath PS, Managing Director and Chief Executive Officer of Randstad India said.

He said that now, job seekers are more likely to accept jobs and stay in organizations where they are valued, supported with compassion, and where the culture aligns with their own beliefs and purpose, They said.

“In the coming years, we see a clear trend of employees seeking benefits beyond monetary aspects and giving more importance to other EVP drivers such as provision for full-time remote work, a COVID safe environment at physical workplaces, mental welfare assistance, etc,” she said.

The survey noted that the financial health of the organization as well as the good reputation of the employer were considered to be major factors for both male and female respondents.

A higher percentage (54%) of female respondents also rated the possibility of working remotely/from home more than their male (49%) counterparts.

The survey further said that 21 per cent of Indian employees changed their employers in the last half of 2020 and 36 per cent intended to change employers in the first half of 2021 and this behavior was observed for those employees in the age group of 25 to 34 years. more for.

Additionally, 21 per cent of those affected by COVID have changed their employer in the last six months.

About 66 percent of white-collar workers value attractive salaries and benefits as equal to strong management (67 percent) and job security (67 percent).

In terms of blue-collar workers, 64 percent of them consider a COVID-19 safe work environment the most important driver. This differs from the average employee who considers work-life balance as the most important driver when choosing an employer, the survey said.

Read more: Parliamentary committee summons Google, Facebook on June 29 amid controversy over new IT rules

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