Looking at women’s health through the lens of Ayurveda

A woman’s body is complex because after reaching puberty, she goes through many changes. One of the major changes that occurs is the beginning of the menstrual cycle. Not only this, many other changes also take place such as breast enlargement, hormonal changes, sexual feeling, mood swings when a girl reaches puberty. While the process is easy for some women, for some it can be a roller-coaster ride. Let’s take a look at women’s reproductive health in the context of Ayurveda and look for solutions to common female problems.

Ayurveda focuses on energy and is based on the concept that a world is made up of five elements. Ayurveda considers a person’s health to be a result of physical, mental and emotional aspects rather than focusing on hormones. Physical health is called pitta, mental health is known as vata and emotional needs are called kapha in Ayurveda. A balance of the three keeps optimum health on point. It is often believed that one must be aware of one’s own body in order to find the best remedy. They should check which dosha dominates them and then, change their food and lifestyle habits. For example, if one has pitta, hot and spicy food and outdoor strenuous activities aggravate the dosha.

Ayurvedic Remedies to Control Various Reproductive Health Problems in Women:

hot oil massage

Hot oil massage helps relieve tension while optimizing kapha. In turn, it makes a woman feel relaxed and happy. It eases menstrual symptoms like cramps, pain, mood swings etc.


Yoga heals the body by making it emotionally and physically healthy. Many female fertility problems occur when a woman is unable to find time for herself and her body. Yoga improves health and has also been proven to cure many diseases.

essential herbs

Ayurveda is a medical stream derived from nature. They believe that nature has a solution for every problem. Herbs like Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Yashtimadhu should be consumed to maintain hormonal balance. They nourish the female reproductive organs such as the uterus, vagina and ovaries, as well as provide calcium and other nutrients to strengthen the body.

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