look | ‘Late Country Is Sh**hole’: US Professor’s Racist Remarks Against Indian-Americans

New Delhi: Prominent Indian-Americans such as US Congressman Raja Krishnamurthy have slammed a law professor at the University of Pennsylvania for making derogatory remarks against the Asian American community, news agency PTI reported.

University of Pennsylvania professor Amy Wax claimed in a recent interview with Fox News that “Black” and “non-Western” groups “feel overwhelming hostility and guilt against Westerners.” [their] External successes and contributions.”

“Here’s the issue. They’re taught that they’re better than everyone else because they’re Brahmin elite, but their nation is a sh*thole on some level,” Wax, who has a long record of provocative statements, said.

She also said that the West has outpaced Asian Americans in every respect.

“They feel that we have outdone them in every way… They get angry. They feel jealous. They feel ashamed. It breeds the most monstrous kind of ungratefulness,” she said. In his report, PTI was quoted as saying.

Wax then went after a community of powerful Indian-American doctors. “They’re on the ramparts for anti-racism initiatives to ‘dump on America’,” she alleged.

The remarks have sparked outrage among Indian-Americans across the country.

In a tweet, Krishnamurthy said, “After President Trump stepped down, I thought the days of calling others a “shithole” country were over.

“As an Indian-American immigrant, I am disgusted to hear that this UPN professor has defined Indian-American immigrants and all non-white Americans in such derogatory terms,” he said.

He said such views are fueled by hatred and fear, and that such discussions make common-sense immigration reform far more difficult to achieve.

“Comments like these are fueled by hatred and fear, and they do real harm to my constituents and our minority communities. They promote hate crimes against minorities, and they are too common sense immigration reform to accomplish. make it difficult,” Krishnamurthy said.

Indian-American law professor Neil Makhija also slammed Wax for his remarks.

“It is irresponsible to use your position to give credence to these openly racist sentiments that do not recognize Indian-Americans for who we are,” he told Axios.

The Indian-American Impact Summit is scheduled to be held in Washington DC next month. Makziha told Axios that he intends to change his programming to address this issue and find answers to Asian and South Asian biases in educational settings.

“The most unfortunate thing is that we have so many wonderful and incredible students in law school,” he told NBC News.

“It makes you question whether she can grade or educate enough,” he said.

According to US media, this is not the first time that provocative statements about Wax’s race have gone viral.

Wax’s appearance on Carlson’s show isn’t the first time she’s made anti-Asian remarks. In a December interview, he said that Indian Americans should be “grateful” to live in the United States and that the country would be “better with fewer Asians”. According to NBC News, Penn has admitted that Wax is the subject of disciplinary proceedings.

“The University of Pennsylvania Kerry Law School has previously clarified that Professor Wax’s views do not reflect our values ​​or practices,” it quoted a representative as saying.

“In January 2022, Dean Ruger announced that he would move forward with a University Faculty Senate process to address Professor Wax’s escalating conduct, and that process is ongoing,” the report quoted a Penn representative as saying.

(with PTI inputs)