London cop dances with Indians protesting outside Indian embassy against pro-Khalistani supporters | WATCH

British policeman danced with Indian supporters
Image Source: ANI A British policeman dances with Indian supporters outside the Indian High Commission in London.

London: A video clip going viral on social media shows a British police officer dancing with Indians who gathered outside the Indian High Commission to protest against pro-Khalistan supporters.

A few days ago, a Khalistani supporter in London tried to break the Indian flag (tricolor) at the Indian mission.

In protest against this incident, the Indian diaspora in London gathered outside the embassy and demanded action against the culprits.

However, following the incident, which was condemned at the highest level by the Indian authorities, the London administration deployed heavy security outside the Indian Embassy.

As many gathered near the Indian embassy to protest against the act of Khalistani sympathizers, a London policeman danced with the Indian supporters in a good gesture while ‘Jai Ho’ song played in the background.

British police officers were dancing to the song ‘Jai Ho’, while Indians were also seen excited, happy, holding the tricolor and supporting the police.

Meanwhile, Foreign Secretary Vinay Kwatra said on Monday that India has asked Britain to arrest and prosecute at the earliest those involved in pulling down the Indian flag at its mission in London on Sunday.

Kwatra said India lodged a strong protest and gave a clear indication to the British authorities of the need for adequate security arrangements at the Indian High Commission.

Following the incident, India summoned the most senior British diplomat in Delhi and sought an explanation on the “complete absence of security” at the mission.

Responding to a question at a media briefing, Kwatra said the British Deputy High Commissioner had been summoned and India demanded that the culprits and perpetrators of what happened in London on Sunday be “quickly arrested and prosecuted”.

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