Liz Truss wins UK PM race; here’s her detailed schedule for next 2 days

New Delhi: Former UK Foreign Secretary Liz truss won the race for the leadership of the Conservative Party and the chair of the next British Prime Minister. She defeated former Chancellor of Exchequer, Rishi Sunak in an election in which 1,60,000 Tory members voted online and through postal ballot. The result of the election was declared on Monday afternoon (local time), Truss will be the third female Prime Minister of the United Kingdom. Here’s what the new UK PM has scheduled for the next two days.

Also Read: Liz Truss announced as UK Prime Minister, defeats Rishi Sunak

Sept 5 (Today)

Shortly after the results were announced at the Queen Elizabeth II Conference Centre in the heart of London, close to 10 Downing Street, Lizz Truss gave a succinct acceptance speech. Later, she will declare the cabinet posts in her government. 

Also Read: UK PM Elections: Who is Liz Truss, 3rd woman to become UK Prime Minister?

Sept 6 (Tomorrow)

On the steps leading up to his Downing Street office, outgoing Prime Minister Boris Johnson will give his farewell speech. Later, he will be taken to Scotland’s Aberdeenshire for an audience with the Queen to formally retire from his position as head of state. At Queen’s Balmoral Castle residence, Queen Elizabeth II will formally appoint Truss as his successor after she arrives in Scotland separately.

As the 96-year-old monarch restricts her travel on account of her old age. This will be the first appointment made outside of England in history. Before disclosing important Cabinet positions, the newly appointed PM will return to Downing Street to give her inaugural address. Senior authorities will give crucial security briefings after the address.

Sept 7 (Day after tomorrow)

At noon, Prime Minister Liz Truss will take part in her first Prime Minister’s Questions (PMQs) session in the House of Commons, sparring with the leader of the opposition, Sir Keir Starmer.

“We must unite behind Liz Truss as difficult times loom”, says Rishi Sunak after defeat.

Rishi Sunak who lost the election for the British PM’s chair thanked his supporters in a Tweet on Monday. He asserted that Conservative Party is one family and it is time to unite behind Liz Truss to steer the country through difficult times.

The Tory leadership race was triggered after Boris Johnson was forced to step down on July 7 following a series of resignations of cabinet members, who protested against his scandal-plagued leadership. Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss rose to the Conservative ranks to end up as finalists for the contest for the post of UK Prime Minister. During nearly a dozen hustings and after a six-week long head-to-head competition Liz Truss won the race. 

(Inputs from ANI)