Popular comedian-actor Kapil Sharma on Tuesday shared an adorable video of his daughter Anaira on Instagram, in which the 2-year-old can be seen playing drums with enthusiasm. At the end of the video, the little girl gives sticks to her father Kapil and says, “Papa, aap bajao (you play).”
In the video, Lil Anayra looks super cute wearing a gray sweatshirt without jeans and no shoes. We absolutely love how the little tot tries to reach for the drums while sitting on the chair.
Kapil shared the video on his Instagram story with the caption, “Like father like daughter” He also added a lovestreak and heart emoji.
Kapil and his wife Ginni welcomed Anaira in 2019. The couple are also parents to baby son Trishaan, whom they welcomed in 2021.
Kapil often shares pictures of Anaira and Trishaan on his social media.
Meanwhile, on the work front, Kapil is all set to make his debut with a stand-up special, I’m Not Done Still, on Netflix. The promos of the same are dominated on social media. In one of the promos, Kapil talks candidly with his wife, who attends a banquet by sitting in the audience. Kapil revealed that he proposed to his wife Ginni while intoxicated.
Kapil Sharma’s stand-up show ‘I’m Not Done Still’ will also feature his mother and friends from The Kapil Sharma Show. This special show will stream on Netflix from January 28.