LG ने 1500 को ज्वाइनिंग लेटर दिए, विभाग पता नहीं: RTI से पता चला 10 साल में दिल्ली में 857 को मिली जॉब

New Delhi20 minutes ago

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Discrepancy has come to light in the figures of the Directorate of Employment of Delhi Government. The number of people who have registered on the online employment portal in the directorate has more than doubled in the last 10 years, but in the name of providing employment, if we believe only the figures, then it proves the proverb ‘cumin in the mouth of a camel’.

The number of applicants who registered between 2013 and 2023 on the Directorate’s online employment portal has been mentioned as 6 lakh 87 thousand 182. Presently their number has increased to 15 lakh 93 thousand 557 records. Whereas, only 857 got jobs in ten years, while LG VK Saxena distributed joining letters to 1500 people at Vigyan Bhavan on 19 April. The department is not aware of this.

The fund of Directorate of Employment continued to increase
The funds allocated to the Directorate of Employment are also increasing every year. Talking about the grants given during 2013 to 2023, the budget amount of Rs 8 lakh 32 thousand 547 has been spent on these offices. Despite this, the directorate and all these offices have failed in the direction of providing employment to a large number of unemployed.

no job from 2019 to 2023
According to the records of the Directorate of Employment, no one has been given a job in 2019, 2021, 2022 and 2023. On the other hand, between 2017 and 2023, only 857 people got jobs through the Directorate of Employment. At present, out of four employment offices, three employment directorates are functioning at Pusa, RK Puram.

No mechanism to inform about vacant posts in departments
In response to the question of RTI activist Bhupendra Panchal, the directorate said that in 10 years only 857 people were given jobs. However, the Directorate appeared to defend itself in its reply. He is also saying that he does not have a mechanism system, so that he can be given any comprehensive information about the people to be recruited on the vacant posts or the department can get any information about it.

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